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Anyone tried Easy-Life EasyCarbo?

Martin said:
We don't need aquariumwiki, we have "Cegipedia". :lol:

Just can't find that edit button though.... 😉

The Aquarium Wiki Encyclopaedia been around for almost 18 months now and myself and several other Aquarist have been adding content daily. We now have a forum as of last week.

We notice that most Aquarium sites lack certain areas, like product reviews, company contact details, lists of Clubs or web forums with their own page. As it's user controlled the users decide on the content of all of it. 🙂

What I like about the Wiki is that you can add it to your own web browser's Search engine so if you don't know an acronym or technical term, then I can just type in the word and click go and it pops up a page on it.

So if you don't know what FOWLR, FBF or Wen is then it's just a click away!

See the front page on how to add it to Firefox or Internet Explorer. Dead easy.

Maybe a UKAPC moderator may wish to add a page on this forum? Call it UKAPS? We get a fair bit of Traffic so probably worth while getting another link to advertise this forum?