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Anyone into vintage photography?

some nice cameras there.
i used to have an AE1-P until i ran out of money in LA and had to pawn it to get a flight home.
after seeing some pics on LFKC i'd like to do some lomo.
Check this out....


Shame it was an april fool, great concept.

Here's some kodachrome shot on a Pentax K1000 of my friends to helping me stock my tank. 😀











This ones digital but worth posting

Some great shots, that Kodachrome looks lovely 🙂 Did you scan it yourself then? It's nice to have that border.

That link is fantastic too! It would certainly be a good idea if it is at all possible. I'd love to have a nice quality digital in an old clunky Analogue body. I think Fuji do an old-looking bellows folding camera in digital, but it's ridiculously expensive.
Gorgeous camera that, but for near £1000 I'll stick to a film 🙂 I'd like more than F2 as well for the money 😛 I saw their new bellows version in a magazine a little while ago, but I think it was even more expensive. Thinking about it though, I'm not sure it was even digital.
The Minolta X300 was my first camera. It was pretty much manual everything as far as I remember. I treated myself to one when I was posted to Germany, but only used it for a couple of years. The, after that, I never took a picture other than a holiday snap shot again for another twenty years.

I am tempted to get a Leica M3, but I just find digital so convenient at the moment.

Regards, Dave.
I occasionally dig out my Fujica STX-1 every now and then, I think its great! I had another one before it and the mirror reflex broke, but the beauty of it was it was only £20 a replacement (plus a couple of lenses!) where no one wants them.

My old housemate had a a Pentax that he bizarrely used to focus by hand then use a digital compact to shoot through the viewfinder which gave some 'characterful' results. I always thought it would be cool to create a DIY bracket to strap the compact to it