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Anyone had problems introducing otocinclus

You could probably leave it 24hrs & still be able to fish it out. Trouble with cucumber, there is a very fine line between mushy & dissolved!
I could never get mine to eat courgette regularly so I changed to baby spinach as it was less messy.
I leave the courgette in the tank, never take it out. I pop a 7mm ish slice in a small bowl, pour boiling water over, when it's cool enough to fish out without burning my fingers pop it in a clip that sinks it to the bottom. They usually show interest initially, then ignore it for a bit and go back again 12-24 hours later. I think they probably eat the softened surface and then wait for it to go mushy. There isn't usually much left at the point it's mushy enough to detach from the clip itself. I don't see it as any different to having plant leaves decompose in the tank - between otos, snails, shrimp and ultimately the bacteria the ecosystem is capable of coping with it. Try leaving it in longer and see if they prefer it day two.
Hi all,
I don't see it as any different to having plant leaves decompose in the tank - between otos, snails, shrimp and ultimately the bacteria the ecosystem is capable of coping with it. Try leaving it in longer and see if they prefer it day two.
@tam is right, something like a slice of cucumber has <"absolutely negligible bioload">, and the <"Otocinclus prefer it"> once it has gone a bit "slimy".

cheers Darrel