Well Ive just hooked up the eheim compact+ 3000 which is currently running at the full 3000lph (or rated to be 😉) this combined with my eheim 2080 gives me a rated flow rate around the tank of 4700lph, is that enough flow in a 250lt tank? 18.8x per hour?!?! and I reckon given that there is no filter media the pump is likely to actually be running at more like 3000lph, ok not the full due to the 2feet it has to pump the water up and into the tank but pretty close. Best of all I can't hear the pump over the hum of the filter, which is a huge relief.
I have to say, I know they can cost more, but Ive decided I'm an eheim man, the equipment is absolutely top notch.
Lets just hope it does the trick and the plants start to recover!
I have to say, I know they can cost more, but Ive decided I'm an eheim man, the equipment is absolutely top notch.
Lets just hope it does the trick and the plants start to recover!