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Any Fluval Profile 1000 owners?

Love them and was considering it for angels as well. Well combined kit.
There are few 1200 new on eBay for a good price 😉
Didn't even know 1500 exist. Will keep an eye on second hand ones.
Thanks, Ed.

I'm getting quite excited about the prospect of setting up a new tank.

I might be using the Elos substrate and ferts system in this as well.
I got one form Seapets about 6 months ago (1200)

Fluval FX5 output split to a 300w external heater and an AM1000 Co2 reactor. The box in the top left is a peristaltic pump for dosing James "All In One" solution.
Having to use a Koralia 4000 in the corner as the flow is reduced somewhat by the Y splitting\Co2 reactor.

The FX5 'just' fits with the fire extinguisher and reactor 🙂 (Freeing the other side for chemicals, food etc.)

Lighting is 4 x 39W tubes, lid is tight fitting so evaporation is practically non-existent.
The height can be a challenge to scape but does crate some interesting opportunities – Angels suit the tank well (I have 6 Leopoldi).

Your welcome to inspect if your passing Stevenage George ?


I'm pretty sure your sorted now (looks like on Flickr! you're setting up a Fluval Sutio 900, which I'm hopefully getting in the new year, so I'm looking forward to see what you do with it 🙂 ) But...
I was in MA in St. Albans at the weekend and they had a 1500 with 2 fluval filters on offer. Not sure of the price as it's too big for me and the side doors are daft, but might be worth a call to them.

mintsauce said:
I'm pretty sure your sorted now (looks like on Flickr! you're setting up a Fluval Sutio 900, which I'm hopefully getting in the new year, so I'm looking forward to see what you do with it 🙂 ) But...
I was in MA in St. Albans at the weekend and they had a 1500 with 2 fluval filters on offer. Not sure of the price as it's too big for me and the side doors are daft, but might be worth a call to them.

Hi Mark. It's actually the Profile 1000 on my Flickr.

0 Fluval Profile 1000 and Elos subtrate system by George Farmer, on Flickr

I will try to get a proper journal on UKAPS soon.