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Andyh's Journal "Green Beach" Update 01/03/2013

Looks great Andy, you must be well proud of it 😉 congrats
Looking great Andy.
Nice detailing with the larger gravel too.
Loving the last shot in particular, the goby is well cool, I remember you had some of these in your kitchen tank way back when!
What's your dosing routine now please? Plants are looking very green, the hair grass in particular is very lush.
Looking great Andy.
Nice detailing with the larger gravel too.
Loving the last shot in particular, the goby is well cool, I remember you had some of these in your kitchen tank way back when!
What's your dosing routine now please? Plants are looking very green, the hair grass in particular is very lush.
Gobies are my favourite fish, interesting to keep as they are always up to something.
With regards the dosing, as the tank is very mature now. I am really only dosing weekly or with water changes. 6ml of K, 6ml of TPN and some ADA ECA.I average at least 1x 40% wc per week. Sometimes 2, i always dose straight after the water change.

Looking really good mate, how do you find water evaporation on this tank do you have to top up every few days?
Hey Mike, Evap not to bad, this is the only room in the house with the heating off all yr round so its to bad, about an inch a week. Generally sorted with water change, maybe top up more in the summer.

Thanks for looking
The Goby is looking cool Andy, do you adjust the temp to keep these or do you find it is ok at tropical temp?
That is looking rather superb. I like that clump of hairgrass at the back.
Thanks Flygja, its a very effective plant and ultra low maintenance.

The Goby is looking cool Andy, do you adjust the temp to keep these or do you find it is ok at tropical temp?
Hello, from my research and experience they fair well at tropical temps, i kept a group in my 90cm and they did very well. There ideal water temp appears to be 22-24c. My tanks are set at 24c.
Hey Andy, lovely tank. I haven't been able to read the whole thread yet (I will), but how are the Sterbai doing? I'm thinking about a similar scheme, with an area of sand for my quad of Sterbai. Do they cause trouble with the planting? (mixing up substrate and sand, uprooting plants). Do you find them hanging out on the sand usually or do they hide away among the planting?

Hey Andy, lovely tank. I haven't been able to read the whole thread yet (I will), but how are the Sterbai doing? I'm thinking about a similar scheme, with an area of sand for my quad of Sterbai. Do they cause trouble with the planting? (mixing up substrate and sand, uprooting plants). Do you find them hanging out on the sand usually or do they hide away among the planting?
Hello, thanks for your comments, The Sterbai were great (there is the clue) but they started to cause too much disruption and digging the grass. They are currently in my friends tank down the road and are doing very well.
I wished they had worked, maybe next time i will try some more robust plants, as the Hairgrass was easily pulled up.....

So managed to get a good few hours on the tank this afternoon so performed a big clean up/maintenace session

Tasks completed;
1. Glass clean all surfaces, using algae pad.
2. Glassware cleaned, brushes and bleach and as good as new.
3. External filter clean, rinsed media, cleaned trays, replaced floss and added new carbon bag.
4. Rocks removed and cleaned with stiff brush and then "painted" with easycarbo, left a couple of mins and the replaced very carefully. I find this really finished off the algae on the rocks, then after a couple of days the shrimps attack it.
5. Prune of plants.
6. Catch as much plant debris with net
7. 50% water change, including wafting of hand over hairgrass carpet to get debris out.
8. Dosing of ferts, K, TPN, Iron and ADA Green Gain.
9. Add Black background and take photos
10. Crack open the Jack Daniels sit back and enjoy!

Been a great afternoons work, here are some pictures:

Full Tank Shot 1st by andyh_2011, on Flickr

New Growth PE by andyh_2011, on Flickr
I am really delighted with the growth of the P.Erectus, never been successful before.

Crystal Red Shrimp 2 by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Full tank shot 2 by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Rilli Shrimp by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Crystal Red Shrimp by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Full Tank Shot1 by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Thanks For looking
Well that was definately a good few hours spent looks in top nick!Out of intrest what kind of co2 dosing are you doing with those great shrimp in the tank?Cheers mark
Well that was definately a good few hours spent looks in top nick!Out of intrest what kind of co2 dosing are you doing with those great shrimp in the tank?Cheers mark
Thanks for the kind words Mark, CO2 is delivered via a inline UPAtomizer. I have always had pressurised co2 in my shrimp tanks, as long as you know what your doing shouldn't cause u any problems.
Hey Andy, This is looking really good mate, the attention to detail is great .....yet again a great scape in the making and one to be proud of : )
Hey Andy, This is looking really good mate, the attention to detail is great .....yet again a great scape in the making and one to be proud of : )
With this tank, i have spent hours with pruning and tweaking, more than any of my other tanks. I beginning to appreciate that its all in the attention to detail :geek: