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amazon sword problems


12 Aug 2014
hi guys,

not having much luck with my swords again.... this is my 3rd attempt now they are slowly going brown and im getting no growth at all just stays the same...

everything else is flourishing lovely java ferns and moss im using ei dry ferts daily and t5 6000k lighting 8 hours a day ive even made root tabs for the swords and no joy with them im using a fine gravel subsrate

any ideas?

hi edvet,

sorry currently working a nightshift ill will some piccies uploaded tomorrow for you.
water changes 50% every 2 weeks 55 litre tank
water hardness i haven't got the means of testing is this a problem? anks

Is this a CO2 enriched tank?
Browning is a symptom of poor CO2, so this can occur via any combination of too much light and poor CO2 enrichment technique. Forget about what color bulbs you have and worry more about how much intensity you are exposing the leaves to.

How many bulbs and how far are the bulbs from the substrate?
What is your filtration, i,e what is the rated throughput and how is the discharge being routed?

These are the things we need to know, and these are the issues you should focus on first.

im using easy carbo 5ml dosing required for my tank size the lights i would say are 15 inches or so from the substrate 1x 8w bulb is
filtration is via a powerhead and hidden sump like system back of the tank the output is routed towards the front of the glass as if you are looking at it

hope this helps 🙂