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Amazon Sword Plant melting

If you're using dirt you don't need root tabs or additional micro Fertilisers. Now I'm almost certain this is your issue. Definitely stop dosing the dry micro powders.
Keep hitting the BBA and removing infested or melted/damaged leaves where possible.

Some of my plants in my new tank just never recovered and had to be thrown away. I still have one plant (s.repens) in my new tank that is badly stunted and shows no sign of recovery. Lower leaves have developed green spot algae. I'm going to replace it tomorrow. I could try s.repens again just to prove to myself I can grow it in the new setup but I'm not a big fan of the plant.
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It been nearly a week since I stoped Dosing. After 2 days after I stop Dosing I noticed some of the leaves on the Hygrophila turning brown so started 25ml of macro. Have been doing 25l water every second day.
Have remove a lot of BBA leaves.
Have been doing spot Dosing with H2O2 and have not seen to much change. Do love the pealing affect it dose. Today 6 days later went and got some excel. Did first spot dose with it.
The plants all seem to be growing

Moderator if this is in the wrong please move it