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Amazon biotope Lnumber/Aphisto tank

Thats what I am actually planning on doing! Sticking some PVC pond liner to the wall at the back of the tank running back into the aquarium to protect the wall and prevent any water dripping onto the floor (It will run back into the tank instead.) Then I am going to attatch 2-3 of These: http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/20120577 to the back behind the aquarium filled with emmersed plants I want to try my hand at a few emmersed crypts but I will probably go for larger swords and mosses to help hide the boxes. Im also in the process of raising the shelves and attatching T5 tubes to the underside with DIY gutter reflectors to help the plants grow a little better and also illuminate the aquarium a bit better (The LEDs arent up to the job on their own but great for spotlighting specific areas and getting the "shimmer effect!")

The ikea find is pretty good, once again you proved a true inspiration. I was looking for something to use at work, got a ledge of 15 deep and wanted to ask some guy to build an acrylic mini tank for this.. Now you showed me something even better and much cheaper..

You can also secure the planters on the back of the tank with these:

You can get acrylic rods, or even aluminium rods, and secure it at the back of the tank, as the roots and soil will be heavy.

You can also use hooks and secure it to the back of the glass, and put rocks and wood under it, making it look like a river side.

I really enjoy your tank, it looks amazing. It would look great with some angels...
Those ikea "spice racks" are amazing, so many uses!
I was going to attatch them directly to the wall with some kind of hook resting on the edge of the aquarium which is around 5cm away from the wall and suppourts it nicely. I was then thinking about cutting up the same pebbles I used in the tank as well as some more roots and sticking them to the front of the planters with good ole gold label! a few strategically drilled holes on the front of the planters will then allow me to have water pumped up to the planters and then running down through the cracks back into the tank which could be stuffed with moss. This will then help hide the planters and maintain the water quality as the plants and moss in the planters would act like a veg filter provided with nutrients from the main tank and supplimented with a good quality substrate like flora base which will also help lower the pH, GH and KH!
I would really like to get some angels in there but I am holding out for some cheapish small Altums.
Altums look nice, but I don't know if I would even attempt to keep them.. Visit TGM, they got a massive tank full of them.. 🙂

The idea of using the spiceracks as a filter as well is very good..

I will be going to ikea this week and buy 5 of the spice racks.. got use for them already
Iv used them for all sorts of things, Extra large breeding traps, planters, storage, mini pico tanks, DIY filters the list goes on! Going to get a few more next week, think I have got through about 10 of them! Also check out the timers they do at Ikea, very handy because they are slimline unlike a lot of timers so only take up one space on a multiplug!
I want to add some more fish to this tank but still yet undecided, some more L066 would be good especially females because I really want to breed them, id also like to get the Leporocanticus out as she digs up nearly all the plants I put in except the cryptocorynes which are planted between rocks so she cant get to them. Some hair grass would really suit this tank!