The chap who wrote the article I linked to found that more survived when the lights were left on 24/7, finding that he lost more zoes if the lights were turned out. Worth considering.
From the article:Wolfenrook said:The chap who wrote the article I linked to found that more survived when the lights were left on 24/7, finding that he lost more zoes if the lights were turned out. Worth considering.
Seems to me that the phytoplancton will reproduce 3x as fast it you light them 24*7 - should make food easier to come by for the zoos?Given the size of the larvae, no need for a lot of water, so my small 5L (1 gallon) acrylic tank is largely enough. This tank is full of seawater at 33/34ppm salinity in which I cultivate marine phytoplancton alagae Dunalliela Salina. The light necessary for the phytoplancton is provided by a small 15W fluocompact lamp. Any kind of fluorescent lighting will do, mine is a standard 2700K for domestic use. The light has to be kept on 24/24hrs, or else, for reasons as yet unknown, a significant number of larvae die if you switch it off at night.