Perhaps the eggs are not fertilised... is it possible you have no male amano? ill get back to you re parameters
Excellent news Richard. I've been breeding these since Feb, have now raised three broods and am the proud owner of about 100 Amano. It looks like the methods we are using are very similar and are based on the same websites. If you pm me your email addess I've got an ecological study that might be of interest to you too. Most of it is in Japanese but the diagrams and graphs are in English. There's a couple of interesting snippets in those. If there's any shrimp nuts on here that speak Japanese that would be willing to translate, it would be appreciated. I've not found anyone elsewhere yet that does but I'm sure that there is a lot of interesting information in that document that will relate to Amano care and breeding in captivity. (I know, I know, new guy already asking a favour lol). In what salinity have you tried rasing the larve ??? . Could you please pass on you email address.
@Richardblack5: With which salinity did u see good results.
First off here are the pics as promised.
Various Amano breeding pics - a set on Flickr
20 day old larvae - a set on Flickr
Richard, my salt water parameters were SG1.024-1.026 at the calibrated temperature of 20C (rubbish hydrometer). I think that corresponds to about 34-35ppt sea water. Temperature is 21-23C (room temp). I bought a mix of phytoplankton, although I have it on good authority that competition probably means I have only got one by now. What that is I don't know.
I had thought to try a very low salinity of about 17ppt to see if that helped the post-larvae survival rate but I have today stumbled across, on the Wayback Machine, the elusive Mike Nolan breeding report that the Caridina Japonica Online method was based on. He recommends lowering salinity at the first sign of post-larvae to 17ppm to assist in their survival. It is definitely worth a read.
Breeding Yamato (a.k.a. Amano) shrimp
Also, have either of you seen the Hamano and Hayashi (1984) report on raising zoea in the laboratory? They are the same pair responsible for the ecological study. I just got hold of that today as well, in text format unfortunately, so all the tables are wonky but a bit of perseverance would make them readable.
Ryel, GH 4 should be fine. I feed the adults on a varied diet of frozen meaty foods, sinking wafers, flake and obviously they feed themselves on fish poo and biofilm, as for the larvae, see above. There are a couple of things I can think of.
During the breeding season there is an increase in temperature, rainfall (and consequently turbidity, flow rate and dissolved oxygen, possibly with a decrease in pH/GH/KH) and increased photoperiod (and therefore food abundance). You could try replicating any of these changes and see if it helps. It could be that you're borderline on one of these parameters and after she's mated she's decided not to waste her energy on the eggs. Not certain, but it might be worth a try.
Also I transfer my female immediately after she is berried to a breeding tank with is the same parameters as the main tank except being kept at room temperature.
Given the lack of success reported by some on lower salinities, I'm tempted to stick with full strength seawater. I have seen two reports of successful breeding at 17ppt, though. One is the lab report I mentioned previously and the other the Shrimp Now one. I may give it shot one day, my phytoplankton can take it, so why not?
One of my missing puzzle-pieces is salinity in the area around South Japan during the period that the larvae are in there. I'm fully of the belief that they are washed out into marine conditions.
since Feb, have now raised three broods
Lots of phyto was added