I ordered some plants from a certain website. (will remain unnamed for now) only to find out the only place one order a week with their supplier and I had missed the cut off point by about 6 hours. Therefore my plants weren't ordered till the following Tuesday. I didn't find this out till after I placed the order. The site I ordered from then doesn't receive their delivery till Friday morning and they claim to dispatch Friday evening. So I figured right well if the courier I picking them up Friday evening with any luck I will get them Saturday seeing as I payed extra for next day delivery. WRONG! I get a dispatch email on Saturday and a partial refund with no explanation. So this morning I get a delivery notification via email and text saying today. Fair enough at least I am getting them.... 2 weeks after ordering. I asked about the refund and this was down to 2 of the plants I ordered not coming from supplier. (thanks for letting me know on the day I am receiving the order I have waited 2 weeks for!). I get home and none of the plants are in anything better than average condition as far as my untrained eye can see so not exactly impressed then I get to the bottom and one of the plants is no bigger than your little finger nail and my hygrophila difformis looks like this! now am I being funny or are this lot taking the mick? That stuff looks like its been in a box since I placed the order 2 Tuesday's ago! Feel really annoyed and the only reason I am not yet shaming this bunch is I haven't emailed them yet about this to find out who the hell they think they are taking people's money for practically dead plants. Please tell me if I have no reason to feel cheated after this but i can't stand people selling something to someone and sending them rubbish like that