OK, so when you dose traces, can you dose them around the affected plant, like nearly on top of them..Do the plants respond even for a couple of days or nothing happens?
After the 3x 1/8 traces they continue like this...it is like this at 2 weeks... But it was perfectly fine..
They try to produce more stems but they stay the same as the main stem.
Do they try to grow at all after the dose even if it's one leaf?
Do the traces have Boron?
The trace is from: plantfooduk site. Yes i think.
Is there any possibility of placing some plants in natural soil? That will tell you if its a nutrient issue. You can even put it on the window sill if sunny enough with some dechlorinated tap water, in clear container.
What kind of damage do you see and where on the plant? Old or new growth? Does that change over the course of week or two?