What are your views re Algexit vs easycarbo please.
Algexit vs easycarbo please.
I have found that salicylic acid (S A) is very effective against green algae, but do not expect overnight results. Glutaralderhyde (1.5%) has little or no effect at recommended doses as a regular addition but is effective against BBA when sprayed on to it directly, ie remove the plant(s)/decorations and spray. Also hydrogen peroxide is also very effective as a spay. (6 Vol may be too harsh for some plants).My personal view is Algexit is Salicylic Acid based and is targeted towards Green Algae whereas Easycarbo is Glutaraldehyde based and is principally directed at combatting Red Algae.
That's happened to me too.It amazes me how hardy plants can be - I completely hacked large bushes of crypts and left the roots in the soil as I did not want to make mess in the tank.. after few months same crypt started growing back in between other plants that I have there now...