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Algae with EI dosing

I think your filter doesn't have enough strength to deliver nutrients and co2 in all parts of your tank.
With high energy tank you should be aiming at turnover rate of 10 so a 2700l/hour.
Your filter will run all your water through it at most 3 times per hour and i doubt it is enough.
Put the drop checker close to substrate in area where you have algae and see if you get the same results.

I put my dc in my shrimp thank that oxygen rich to check bromtymol blue is still operating.

Probably it will change completely within 2 hours. After that again will be put in death point in my tank.

For circulation You are right I need one of them but which type I don't know circulation pump or headpump or wave maker .peeps talking like they are different things, .

I have a sunsun 2000 l per hour headpump for water changes.
When i put it inside blows the soil up 😀
Makes 3000 l per hour circulation.
Maybe I need only 1000 l per hour engine.

ASUS_Z002 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
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If you have Lab chemical suppliers close by you can try getting sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate and use that as a dechlorinator. It takes care chlorine, chloramines and ammonia. 25gms in 500ml water and then one drop per litre of new water for normal dosage.
If you have Lab chemical suppliers close by you can try getting sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate and use that as a dechlorinator. It takes care chlorine, chloramines and ammonia. 25gms in 500ml water and then one drop per litre of new water for normal dosage.
Thank You, if I find it I'll try

ASUS_Z002 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
This is getting quite scientific... which I am not that great with haha. Here are my thoughts:

From my experience with trial and error, algae is almost always a result of poor plant growth and excessive nutrients. It's good to do EI dosing, but it can be dangerous... If you have too much nutrients in the water and your plants don't use it, something will - that's algae. I would recommend lessening your light period to 5-6 hours along with reducing the intensity, doing a full WC and stopping your EI dosing. Examine how your plants react to this after a week... if your algae starts to die, then thats when I would play with either your lighting or CO2. You can try upping your CO2 and seeing what changes after a week. The key here is to find the right balance between lighting period/co2 that your plants are happy with first. Then you can do EI dosing because you know with your current light period, plants are growing and algae is not. Now you make sure that they have the nutrients they need to be happy.

Edit// Forgot to mention, aim for a gH level of 3-4. You can use Seachem equilibrium to do this.
Ok ,i got a sunsun wavemaker 3 days ago and up my co2 levels. It seems ok.Cladophra seems dying and hair algae is still resisting a little bit.
I'll make a mechanical cleaning again for see the results.
I changed my iron fert gluconate to DTPA. Plants seems better,no carditge runout effect on plants anymore 🙂) I hope they will get better.
Everything seems ok right now except heat. My country it's really hot nowadays, yesterday I lost one of my otto, today i found my neons gasping, i am about to complete 99 watts powerled armature, so there will be another opportunity for diy fan cooling to place it on my tank.

ASUS_Z002 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
If you have too much nutrients in the water and your plants don't use it, something will - that's algae
Not true.

I had a timer failure and my macro dosing pump stay on dosing my tank to about 300ppm NO3, 80ppm PO4, 50ppm Mg. Was quite a few days before I realised, as there was absolutely no change in plants and no change in fish behaviour.

Did 50% water change, then followed by normal weekly water changes (whilst still dosing EI).

No change in algae levels, no magic monster growth of plants, no change in fish behaviour. So over dosing EI macro has no effect other than wasting 1litre of double strength EI salts 🙁.
Not true.

I had a timer failure and my macro dosing pump stay on dosing my tank to about 300ppm NO3, 80ppm PO4, 50ppm Mg. Was quite a few days before I realised, as there was absolutely no change in plants and no change in fish behaviour.

Did 50% water change, then followed by normal weekly water changes (whilst still dosing EI).

No change in algae levels, no magic monster growth of plants, no change in fish behaviour. So over dosing EI macro has no effect other than wasting 1litre of double strength EI salts 🙁.

Ah, timer failure as in your lights were on for way too long? Or as in there was no light at all? If there was no light then there would be no issue... but if you have strong lighting, something will use that energy if the plants don't. I haven't used the type of lighting Krank has before, but from what I've read it seems like those setups are very strong.

I had a "test" at my workplace where the light was left on for 12 DAYS (at least) straight and all kinds of algae took over (especially brown diatoms). Once this was fixed (along with no dosing) - tank cleared up after 3 weeks. If Krank's plant mass isnt healthy, the excessive/strong lighting is going to do more harm than good. The easiest thing when fighting algae for me has always been to reduce lighting period/intensity... No issues lately (knock on wood). When using strong lighting, I always try to add a ton of plants and especially those that will block a lot of light.
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Barr mentioned that before,co2 as fuel, lightning as gas pedal. I made my leds almost 100 watt to grow some HC in the future maybe. Actually my plants is not demanding right now so probably it will run at 2/3 power which means 66 watts.
Anyway i saw so many people using powerfull lightning to grow HC or other kind of carpet plant. These people are dosing with ei and use co2 for their tank.
I am not thinking excess dosing cause algae issue anymore, if water has lack of nutrient for example spot algea shows up with lack of phosphate.

Cladophora and other filaments shows up with lack of co2. I saw with my eyes within 10days it Is getting weeker day by day because i tweak my co2 settings.
What I understand is Its just a equilibrium issue, if you are using 4 or more wpg and no co2 you will get bunch of algae. Newbie or not I think mostAquarist struggling with that at beginning of tank.

ASUS_Z002 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
Ah, timer failure as in your lights were on for way too long?
No timer failure as in dumped 1 litre of double strength EI macro mixture into my tank. No change of other timing, lights micros etc.