Hi, a few thoughts... ths is what I'd do. I don't claim it to be The Answer however.
I'm not sure what light you have, but you only have 2 hours a day when its at its highest intensity, and even then it's only at 75%. Lack of light could be a factor. I'd go for a 10 minute ramp up and down and then leave at the 75% for the moment.
I can't see if there is a diffuser in the tank, or are you using a reactor? Either way your drop checker is a very dark green and some of your plants have that look of being a bit co2 starved. If your drop checker is light green at lights on then you know you've optimised co2 to its safe potential, more or less. So I'd try to do that. You already have it coming on 2 hours in advance, so you need to increase the injection rate. Do it very gradually over several days, tweaking each day, until you get light green at lights on. Keep an eye on livestock.
I'm no ferts expert, but dose as per recommended on the APF website for a high tech tank.
Do 2 water changes a week if you can. At least for a few weeks.
Giving more light, food and co2 is going to give your plants the best chance to thrive.
I'd also consider the Algexit route if you don't see improvement.
Of course all this could make it worse, but it would be my route from here.