Massively interesting thread. I was pointed here by George Farmer from my thread:
I'd like to ask some questions if I may as some of the terms and phrases here are way over my GSCE chemistry knowledge
Firstly, I am starting over (to a degree) in my tank. What this means is that I want to replace my current substrate with something else and then to immediately put my fish back in. I say this because I beleive from what I have read already this may influence the materials I would need to use.
I have a Juwel 180 rio tank.
I beleive I should be following this path:
1st Layer - Tropica Susbstrate - Though I need some advice on the depth of this.
2nd Layer - Sphagnum Moss Peat
3rd Layer - A spinkling of Osmocote or Miracle Grow tabs (I have the small ball ones as shown in someone elses post already - are these okay).
4th Layer - Mulm - Should I dilute this first ie mix with a little water and fill the tank a little or should it be more of a texture that sits ontop of the tropica?
5th Layer - Akadama.
Is the above correct, both in terms of order and need?
Firstly, will this be okay to immediately put fish back into? and what will i need to watch out for over the following week. (ps. I have London tap water ie very hard)
Secondly, I don't want to soak the Akadama for a week, so I am assuming that the Tropica and the Miracle grow will provide all the nutrients needed?
Thirdly, having read your (James) comment regarding nutrient boosts only really being needed on a new set up, say in a years time, can I simply put in a 'few' more root tabs or will it need lots or maybe none?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.