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airation ?


20 Jun 2017
South Wales
so i have a newish low tech planted juwel tank with a enclosed light hood (2 t8)

does the hood effect co2 o2 exchange ?

would an airstone help as it brings in to the hood fresh air ?

i couuld add a venturi to the int. filtee, but that is air from under hood.

2nd question, would i fail with floating plants? ie too little space, fresh air and too much heat?

reckord 800 rank + duolux lamp. 80cm long.
does the hood effect co2 o2 exchange ?

Yes, dependant on how close fitting to hood is and the ventilation. with hood CO2 loss should be slightly less in theory.

would an airstone help as it brings in to the hood fresh air ?

Yes, however if you plan to use CO2 it will degas the CO2 during the CO2 period. Lots of folk use them on a timer during the non CO2 period as it helps get O2 into water with increased surface agitation and helps reduce surface scum also. So airstone at night is generally a good idea.

would i fail with floating plants? ie too little space, fresh air and too much heat?

Depends, But its not a heat air issue as long as the water doesn't get too warm, the floating plants will reduce the light getting to the rest of the tank, if this isn't an issue you should be fine. Assuming the other plants get enough O2 at night hence the airstone as mentioned is a good idea

Having hood will reduce your water loss too
hi, i've no plans for co2 injection.

i'm trying daily easycarbo+profito at the moment, but only when the lights are on - mid afternoon.

so by co2 period, you mean night time ? or injection period ?

hood seem fairly tight, but obv. not air tight.

water agitation at surface will move plants to sides... maybe i'll just try some and see.