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AGA 2008 results...

SuperColey1 said:
I can't find the rules anywhere on the site either. On the forum is says look on the main website and on the main website it just lets you see the entries ;(

Maybe I'll enter next year when its grown so I can read the 'harsh' opinions of my unpruned, unmaintained 'jungle'. lol


Yes the rules are gone or taken down now the competition is over I suspect, they were issued under "guidelines" or something like that, not exactly rules per se.

I will give you some harsh commentry if you want Andy :lol:
Congrats Zig. I have to strongly diagree with one of your comments though...

zig said:
Thanks chaps I'm sure your fed up looking at these tanks of mine by now though

Thats the beauty of your mountainscape, it captivates you for a long time 😀
Congrats all, and congrats zig on the number ones, thought it was the same tank for a minute there LOL
Site is way to slow to load up, will give it a few days until it quites down to have a proper look 🙂
I know what you're saying. I pressume it gained points on difficulty due to the tall nature of the tank. Maybe the scoring system just went it's way?

One thing that didn't sit right with me (and this is just my opinion of course) was some very nice, very original scapes which some of the judges just didn't get.

We really need a European contest :lol:
First of all, congra. zig, your idea is great, I also impressed when I saw at the 2008 ADA presentation at Tokyo, on that time Amano already said that he give you the highest mark. If you are not saying that it is different tank, I just think it was two different stages of the same tank photo from different focal length lens.... lol.

The natural aquarium style is really dominate the trend, however, there are still a lot of aquatic plant lover they like to keep the dutch style. Actually, for a competition which involve human judgement is not always fair. We know something behind the marking scheme for the past because we know the judges and know's what happen behind. I am not saying that who's fault but if you think that one of the judge only give those tank he/she like with very high mark and the rest mark zero, what do you think..... It make the whole mark scrore deviated.
Maybe its just me that has seen way to many scapes over the past few years but looks to me that the quality of this competition is a little low this year, there are some good scapes there but nothing really that stands out and some of the winning entries (I mean the top three tanks of each category) don't seem to be in some cases the best in the competition. But again thats my opinion.

GWU welcome to the forum nice to see someone from CAU here too 😉
That third place is a little dissapointing IMO, quite surprised actually. Goerge had it on the button with his critique, immature plants, immature moss and a fern that is millimeter perfectly positioned in the exact centre of the tank. Bob thought it was perfectly placed, i know you don't have to stick to the golden ratio but it's golden for a reason, it works!
Anyhow, congrats to the guy, it's not my bag but fair play, obviously he did something right.
Yeah, I'm not saying I don't like it. I just think there were better scapes in there. Maybe the layout was thought to be quite bold as it flies in the face of the golden ration/golden triangle/bermuda triangle... whatever 😉 If that were the case though, I think some other scapes didn't benefit from this viewpoint when perhaps they should of.

Anyhow, the judges are the judges for a reason. It's their decision to make and from what george has said about the scoring system it sounds fair enough. As I said before, it may have scored well on other points, like plant health, fauna choice, hardscape choice, technical difficulty (as I say, the height of the tank is mentioned in one of the comments).

Congrats to the guy 🙂
GWU said:
First of all, congra. zig, your idea is great, I also impressed when I saw at the 2008 ADA presentation at Tokyo, on that time Amano already said that he give you the highest mark. If you are not saying that it is different tank, I just think it was two different stages of the same tank photo from different focal length lens.... lol.

The natural aquarium style is really dominate the trend, however, there are still a lot of aquatic plant lover they like to keep the dutch style. Actually, for a competition which involve human judgement is not always fair. We know something behind the marking scheme for the past because we know the judges and know's what happen behind. I am not saying that who's fault but if you think that one of the judge only give those tank he/she like with very high mark and the rest mark zero, what do you think..... It make the whole mark scrore deviated.

Thanks Gary Wu and welcome to UKAPS!

Nah I'm not saying they are two different layouts, one layout is clearly based on the other, the idea is more developed in second tank that did well at ADA. Both tanks were grown out at 2 different times about 6 months apart in different aquariums, the smaller one is 54l I did that one first, and the other tank is 97l, thats the one I entered into IALPC 2008.

I knew it was odd in retrospect to enter both tanks into this competition but I didn't think to much about it beforehand tbh, I didn't have a great plan here. I thought I had entered them into the same small tank catagory in the competition, I didnt think they would give me two different prizes in two different catagorys!! that was a shock!! I thought if I was lucky enough they (the judges) may pick one or the other to win a prize in the same catagory, not both. I certainly wasn't expecting both to be chosen in different catagories!! I entered both tanks thinking they were entered into the same small tank catagory. I thought the cutoff limit was 100 litres for that catagory. It was a genunine mistake on my behalf, I don't think I would have entered both otherwise, I wouldn't go out of my way to annoy or pee people off. But I'm pretty sure 100 litres was mentioned as the cutoff point in the "guidelines section" which has now disappeared from the website and thats what mislead me. TBH I didn't have high hopes in this competition at all because AGA can be so different than the ADA competition in judging terms. I also don't think this realistic style of aquascaping appeals to a lot of people, so opinions will always be divided on that, and for that reason I thought it would not fare so well. So I am genuinely very surprised it did so well at all. Would I enter them both tanks again knowing what I know now? the answer would probably be no. Ow well :?

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes!!
zig said:
So I am genuinely very surprised it did so well at all. Would I enter them both tanks again knowing what I know now? the answer would probably be no. Ow well :?
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes!!
Your tanks are AWSOME and trully deserves the prize, the slopes and rock formation are great even though its not a style that I am a fan off, just seen other that are not up to scratch in my opinion and won a place in the top 3 also thats all. But to be honest when I looked at both entries they looked very much the same hehe but I see what you were trying to do, try on a small tank first and then go larger. Worked very well in both counts 🙂