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Advice required on transition from old to new tank.


3 Jan 2015
Hi, I currently have a Juwel Rio 240 Tank (not planted) and I am about to take possession of a new braceless, open top tank (to be planted). I am trying to figure best way to move the filters (2nr external filters) and fish from one to the other whilst also aquascaping the new tank. I have come up with a few ideas below but if anyone could give me their opinions or previous experiences, that would be great!
A - Aquascape, plant new tank, install Co2, move filters and fish to new tank all at once.
B - Aquascape and plant new tank, install Co2, retain 1nr filter in old tank and move 1nr to new tank. After new tank settled, move other filter and fish.
C - Aquascape new tank without any plants (just substrate, wood and rocks) and move both filters and fish to new tank. After a few weeks, install Co2 and new plants.
My worry is that as this is my first aquascaped tank, if I try and do everything all in a couple of days, something is bound to go wrong!
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your advice! I will probably end up doing a journal on here once my new tank arrives as I have read that much on filters, flow, lighting etc. Think my next issue will probably be flow from 2nr filters but will leave that for another day! ha