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Advice needed..over-run with algae and want to rescape

I avoided the FE suitability question as i'm not sure, personally I would like the piece of mind of checks being fully up to date but initial reaction was it should be fine.

I have heard stories of old FE's going in for pressure testing where they have failed, and for things under large amounts of pressure like this, failure is pretty explosive. They are subjected to more extreme criteria than they normally work at I believe though, Ive never heard of one doing that while being used for an aquarium.

This is just what I have gleaned though, I would certainly wait for someone with more experience to comment.
I am glad that you have managed to get your tank sorted, but a word of caution for the future. From what I have read your problem with algae was probably due to way too few plants and way too much fertilisation. Flourish Excel, frees up a lot of iron in the water column. The lack of plants would have left plenty for algal uptake. So initially I doubt it had anything to do with your lighting, filtration, flow, lack of macro-nutrients etc (in this instance, the addition of the latter would undoubtedly have made the situation worse).

Algae are supremely adapted to their environment and have many advantages over higher plants, not least they are more efficient at nutrient uptake from the water. All it takes if for one parameter to be out of kilter and they will thrive often at the expense of higher plants. That is also why even though you stopped dosing with Flourish Excel it didn't make much difference. Even if all other parameters had been unfavourable for algal growth it would probably have taken a couple of months for the algae to die back completely.

Flourite substrate would be a good move since it is clay based and will contain iron that your plants can utilize but algae can not since it is locked up in the substrate (algae can only utilise free iron in the water column).

So to sum up it is just a question of balance, but the larger your tank and the denser you plant the wider the margin for error, its not rocket science and I am sure your new venture will be a great success.

Good luck.
As promised, here are some new photos of my tank - since the major algae scrub down and quite a few new plants added (I do intend to get some more, but need foreground plants and have no idea). I have tried to add a variety of fast growing, but there are some anubias and crypts in there too. 🙂
The algae is on it's way back and I can see some already on some of my new plants - the hygrophilas included. I think I have circulation issues, there isn't really any movement/swaying of my plants, so would it be an idea to put a small powerhead in there to help?
OK, lets hope I get this right...here we go..



and finally the full view:

I would like to elevate the bogwood on the right somehow in order to utilise the height of the tank, either with more wood or rock to form a cave underneath for the fish, just haven't figured it out yet!

All suggestions/criticisms welcome concerning any aspect of this tank! 🙂
I understand what you're saying. I have removed a couple of sections on different occasions because the output was a glorified trickle, even with this being the case, you think I am better with it on?
What you need is a full length spray bar that have the right spacings & number of holes.
I dont know if there is a formula but I would get yourself a length of PVC pipe & have a go at making your own custom one.
Start with 3mm holes every 50mm & see what happens, it might pay you to get two lengths & experiment with one by drill extra holes or tapeing over extra holes until you are happy.
mikeappleby said:
Plus get in 20 amano shrimp and 10 ottos - they will chomp through the algae like nobody's business.

I second this :thumbup:

Just make sure with the Ottos that when you buy them that you have absolutely no traces of ammonia or they will snuff it. They're an easy fish to keep once you've had them a month if they're not going to be successful in your tank you'll know within the first week.

I supplement my ottos diet with Spirulina they love it.
I had 4 ottos and 3 died within the first month, the last one is doing well. Also, I have a baby bristlenose pleco in there. I love shrimp! I have several in my small tank, even an unknown baby shrimp, but what impact would the amanos have on the bio load? I have a couple of dwarf cichlids I'd eventually like to put into this tank and don't want to rule that out if I can help it.
Quick question - I have been going through the FE set up by Themuleous, but do I need a drop checker right away, or can that be added at a future date?
Mike, I have been reading through your transparent tank challenge and other links from it and they are great - I am learning loads - I hope! Time will tell, but I'm quite sure I will make loads more mistakes along the way.

One thing I have had confirmed, is that my flow is definitely rubbish - close to non existent!!!!