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Adrie Baumann and Ian Holdich scape

Ian Holdich

18 Feb 2010
lincoln uk
A bit of self promotion (sorry guys), but I'm really impressed with the way this scape turned out. On a visit to Tropica in Denmark a few of us were set a challenge, this was to scape a tank in two hours. I was put with a German aquascaper called Adrie Baumann, and this is what the finished article looked like.
Best viewed in 720p

Thank you to Michael from tropica for looking after the plants.
Very nice Ian...I like the FTS at the end the most, and I like the different textures particularly the use of the diff length stems in the fore/mid ground.
Absolutely fantastic. Congrats Ian and Adrie.
I'd like a Michael at my house! :)
More specs would be nice, tank size, lighting, turnover, fert dosing, maintenance etc
Stunning scape and plants.
This looks fantastic and a great little video too - I still can't get over you did it in 2hrs though! Really well done and great to see what can be done in that amount of time. :)
It's too good to believe Ian :p I forgot to bribe Mick to do better. ;):D
Very nice vid and the tank too.

It's nice that we had a chance to build these tanks, but it's a huge work to maintain them on a long term and refine it where it is needed.
Great work guys! :)
Ian i hope you do not mind if i just paste in the result for all other tanks. I haven't found a related topic.

It's absolutelly stunning how Tropica taken care of these tanks. 90 days progress on all.
With a Juwel set 4*T5 tubes, CO2 injection and Tropica fertilizers. With some refinement all of them become a beautiful showcase for Juwel.

Congratulations to all.

Tropica Aquarium Plants - Layouts










Thanks Viktor, they all turn out great don't they!

As above we had 2 hours to scape these tank, with no planning either. We were just given hardscape and the pick of plants at tropica. That's it....I think there's some stunners there!

Excellent work Ian and Adrie. In regards to flow and distribution of Co2, how come we can see pearling bubbles going straight up and not getting caught in the flow pattern? What type of internal filter is it?

The filter is the good old Juwel internal, with the tropica co2 diffuser. I think thee may be different shots with the filter off, this is why the bubbles are going straight up.
Hi Ian
I just had the time and the good Internet connexion to see the video. That's a great scape !! And also that guy knows how to keep planted tank.
Only two hours to realize that, I am sure that it was race for both of you haha.
What is that purple stem plant ? A Rotala ?

Thanks for sharing
My gosh 2 hours and no planning. I took a whole day to rescape my 20l nano! Great work. All the tanks look fantastic.

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