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ADA Vuppa II - calling all owners

You need yourself an ATO (Auto Top Off) 😉
On a bigger tank I would think about it, however with a 50litre an ATO is I little OTT IMO. On a bigger tank the water loss would be less of an issue IMO. Might just mod a USB lead with a variable or fixed resistor it reduces the pumps output a little.
I am thinking about the ATO you have for sale, exchange of contracts for new house should be next week so holding off any more purchases ATM
The knocking noise doesn’t last for ever. A few days use and it stops.

lower it down a little more in the water and that should do it.
The knocking noise doesn’t last for ever. A few days use and it stops.

lower it down a little more in the water and that should do it.
Yes, had that sorted pretty quick, Gower catching snails and planaria with turkey blaster ATM so a 100ml or so of water is all it took and clank clank, the mod I've done has shut it up, but motor can be on off at times, the top of skimmer needs to be 5-7mm below water to stop it completely.
But like you say early days when motor it working efficiently