Hello all,
During this coming Whit Holiday at the end of May beginning of June I have got a week when my better half is away visiting family. So I am intending to strip out my Trigon 190. This is what it looks like now.
As you can see the plants are not doing too badly but I think the old mineral soil (SERA Mineral depot) is spent and needs replacing. I am also about to start on this EI dosing scheme so I am hoping to see a difference, especially the bubble pearling on the Riccia.
I intend to clean, replace substrate / base fertilizer, re-scape and re-plant. I usually work through 36 hours solid until it is complete.
Before I do this I make a plan of everything I need to do and what order I need to do it in. Make a list of important things not to forget, prepare water, clean buckets, spare filters primed for temporary storing of fish while their home is being given a makeover etc.
My question is this: In the past I have always used SERA Mineral Soil Depot which to be fair has always been reliable and given me excellent results. Now I am thinking of changing to one of the ADA Soils, i.e. Amazon, Malaysia etc. I just wanted to ask before I go ahead and buy the stuff what your experiences have been and what your preferences are now.
The lighting on this tank is 2 x 18 watt Sera 24 inch tubes, 1 x 15 watt Sera 12 inch tube and 1 x 24 watt T5 bulb. According to the figures I make that 75 watts in total divided by 50 US Gallons = only 1.5 watts per gallon which is by what I have read a relatively low lighting level. If I need to increase this I would welcome any suggestions.
Meanwhile I would really appreciate any recommendations on the question of which soil to add.
I will post pictures of the new scape and tank once it is completed.
During this coming Whit Holiday at the end of May beginning of June I have got a week when my better half is away visiting family. So I am intending to strip out my Trigon 190. This is what it looks like now.
As you can see the plants are not doing too badly but I think the old mineral soil (SERA Mineral depot) is spent and needs replacing. I am also about to start on this EI dosing scheme so I am hoping to see a difference, especially the bubble pearling on the Riccia.
I intend to clean, replace substrate / base fertilizer, re-scape and re-plant. I usually work through 36 hours solid until it is complete.
Before I do this I make a plan of everything I need to do and what order I need to do it in. Make a list of important things not to forget, prepare water, clean buckets, spare filters primed for temporary storing of fish while their home is being given a makeover etc.
My question is this: In the past I have always used SERA Mineral Soil Depot which to be fair has always been reliable and given me excellent results. Now I am thinking of changing to one of the ADA Soils, i.e. Amazon, Malaysia etc. I just wanted to ask before I go ahead and buy the stuff what your experiences have been and what your preferences are now.
The lighting on this tank is 2 x 18 watt Sera 24 inch tubes, 1 x 15 watt Sera 12 inch tube and 1 x 24 watt T5 bulb. According to the figures I make that 75 watts in total divided by 50 US Gallons = only 1.5 watts per gallon which is by what I have read a relatively low lighting level. If I need to increase this I would welcome any suggestions.
Meanwhile I would really appreciate any recommendations on the question of which soil to add.
I will post pictures of the new scape and tank once it is completed.