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Ada powder or power sand


New Member
18 Aug 2023
San Diego
hello, i am planning to grow hc cuba. I was wondering if I should use power sand in addition to amazonia II or if I should use powder amazonia II on top instead of power sand since hc cuba benefits from small substrate. also if I should get powersand should i get special or advanced, thanks
Power sand and powder are not mutually exclusive, they're different products with different uses. Power sand is placed under AS and powder often on top of AS, for instance. Either way Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' couldn't really care less whether it's planted in AS or powder. Powder might be slightly easier to plant in and is perhaps a better scale for nanos.

But to plant HC it's best to divide the plant up in to around 1-2 cm portions and bury 1/3 to 1/2 the plant in the substrate slightly angled in to the flow, especially tissue culture plants which won't have much in the way of a root system. That way it's less likely to detach and float. Under the right conditions it's fast growing and will soon develop new leaves and begin carpeting.

Power sand special has been superseded by power sand advanced. The alternative is power sand basic. If you're new to growing aquatic plants and only have biologically immature filter media I'd stick with basic. The extra nutrients from advanced can make maintenance harder.

ADA's substrate system is proven to work and can yield some amazing results. On the other hand using AS on it's own also works well and you'll have more money left over to buy plants.