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ADA barn find

It will be worth every minute mate I'm sure you can get it looking good

Cheers Jay, even if i manage to only remove 5% of them it's still an improvement. Always up for learning something new

Btw if you are looking for strong easy dimmable LED light option to use in that hood.. Search Ebay for Dimmable Flood light led. Than you'll find these COB units shaped in the R7S, the older flood light Halogen bulb fittings.



Also a bit more economical than a 150 watt HID

@zozo ........how would i be able to introduce a dimmer into my set up using this? Inline between the ballast and light unit?

If that worked then it would give me a nice and easy solution to make the unit dimmable but the colour profile of the LED might be a bit harsh, but a possible way forward rather than just buying a new light
my back up option is the Chihiros RGB Vivid but i really like this solar light, it's just a shame i don't have another place for the tank other than in my livingroom where dimming wouldn't be an issue
how would i be able to introduce a dimmer into my set up using this? Inline between the ballast and light unit?

The likely can be opperated with Phase dimming or a Variac.. They must have a build in dimmable driver.. Then for color rendition look at the Kessil, they too use 2 different led colors next to eachother a cool white and a warm white, dimming the warm will make the light cooler and visa versa.

You can do the same with 2 cool and 1 warm bulb in the centre with using 2 dimmers. 🙂

Regarding dimmer you best ask the vemdor for dimmer recomendations. 🙂

Than i would ask the question if the AC220 volt TC423 would work..

I'm yet not sure how this dims AC 220 LED light sources, but it seemingly does.. I'm planning to order one in the near future to play with. Din't come to that yet.

Asking the TC423 vendor could be an option too ofcourse.. :thumbup:
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Huh? You wouldn't need the ballast anymore with those LED modules..

Cheers Marcel, of course you wouldn't. Electronics has never been my strong point!