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ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (month 5)

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 6)

Right then. Update time.

Picked up 6 Black Widow Tetrass, from Amazon Aquatics. They've been held there for me for nearly a week and it's great to finally have them. He ordered in more but I am undecided if I will have more yet and even if I do I'll leave it a while and let the tank settle.

They are good looking fish, seem to bunch and shoal nicely but are happy zipping around the tank investigating. The CPDs looked a bit put out at first but are now out and about, not hiding in their 'room'.

Here are a couple of shots of them:



and a FTS to see them in situ. The tank is looking pretty good. I have a few plants coming soon and when they arrive I will be doing some moving. Nothing heavy, just tidying up a few areas and making the scape a little more structured. The glass needs a good clean near the substrate as well, so the weekend will be maintenance heavy and then some decent photos.

I'm very happy with the scape so far. Plants all doing pretty well and filling in nicely.


Comments, criticisms or suggestions more than welcome.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 6)

Erm, put that gap back in please ! Fish are looking great. Good decision not to add any more for a while, but the black widows are a nice fish so it could hold another 6 easily. (but not for a week or two 😉)
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 6)

this just gets better and better. am interested by how much you think having quite a lot of surface flow makes a difference. some people aim for no break of surface tension at all (amano, at least in the day when we can see what he does) whereas you have loads.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 6)

The gap was photoshopped Chris. It was never there for real. Saying that just wait til I get in and make a few moves over the next few days!

Yeah, I'll be waiting a week or so before I add any more. It was suggested that I go for some diamond eye tetras to add some sparkle to the tank. I need to see some for real before I decide.

Thanks Mike, I'm pretty pleased with it. As for the surface tension I prefer having it. Planted tanks seem to produce a lot of surface film and when I had the outlet just under the surface it was building up and looking ugly.
With it just breaking the surface there is no visible film and I think it helps with gaseous exchange, which is good for fish breathing but does mean I probably inject a bit more CO2 than I would otherwise.

Saying that, it does look like I have a lot of surface agitation but it really isn't so much. Most of the flow goes under the surface. The CPDs are always darting around all over the shop but the widows, so far at least, shoal and head into the flow returning off the right side of the tank. Both species prefer a gentler flow and I think I have it just right. There is one small spot that has less flow, just to the front left but it gets some. I've recently moved the filter intake nearer the front which has helped.

Funny about Amano having less surface agitation. His photos often have it, giving that trademark shimmer. I like it all the time. I must shoot a video soon too. Maybe another job for the weekend.

ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

I just got rid of my two black widows at the weekend they were pests and munched all of my shrimp lol.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Westyggx - really? I'll have o watch out for that then. These guys appear to like sparring amongst themselves but as of yet haven't bothered anything else. Mind you I do have one particularly brave danio. I'm sure he'd see them off.

Thanks Harry! I'm really glad you like it. Yours is going to look ace too. You've put a lot of thought into it already, even at this early stage.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Looking good, Rob! :clap: What I like about your scape is that it's quite heavily planted (which I suspect your CPDs like, if they're anything like mine!), but you've also retained a sense of space and open-ness.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Absolutely stunning first planted tank Rob, plants look super healthy and it has a great fish combo going on there. Love the grassy feel with highlights of colour now and then.
Great work.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Thanks Ady!

I can only take so much credit. The layout is pretty much me but the health of the plants and everything else is as much down to UKAPS. You guys have been super helpful and I've a load and it's only been going 7 weeks!

Thanks again!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Looking great for a first time.

I would say however, your HC is requiring something. But apart from that, very well done.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

From what I can make out from your image, it appears the type of lilly your using is directing water flow upwards.

If you look, there are diatoms about 1/2 inches from the bottom. This is telling me that distribution at the lower parts is at a minimum.

Also, I'd invest in a bit of easy carbo to kick start it.

Let me also say though, you've done a terrific job for a first time scape!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Put the drop checker closer to the substrate. So many people have them way to high to the water level.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

Aha, I'm with you. Actually flow at the bottom isn't too bad. The reason you can see the diatoms is that my magnetic cleaner doesn't quite fit between glass and rock! I should have thought of that before but I've ordered a razor now, so that should help.
I've got some easycarbo too. Should I combine that with the injected CO2? Full dose of 1ml per 50l a day?

I always mean to move the drop checker around but often forget. Thanks for the reminder. I'll go and do tat now.

I just had a plant delivery too, so am off to do a little reshaping. I'll grab some pictures too.

Thanks again

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

You could dose 5ml per day in a 60L no problem.

Combined with injected CO2, it'll boost HC like nothing else.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (week 7)

pariahrob said:
5ml a day? Really?
Do you know if that's ok with the fish too?


Rob that level will be fine with fish. I use 15ml in my tank which is 3 x your volume. BUT if you are worried, mix it with tank water first so it goes in diluted instead of neat. My fish associate me being at the tank glass as feeding time, so I have to add my EasyC that way 😉