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Acid House

Thanks George!

You know, I think this has got 60 views so quick just because your name shows as the last(and only) post!
You actually raise a some good points guys.

I think the standard of photography (and aquascaping) has become so good with many UKAPS members, it takes something really special for some to almost bother to post. Almost like we're becoming 'spoilt' to an extent.

Mark's (saintly's) work is a classic example. He relentlessly bombards us with some of the best photography the hobby has to offer and the lack of feedback could be interpreted as that it's not that special. Truth is, we're so used to Mark's work now I think some of us have exhausted our adjectives when giving feedback, especially if we don't want to percieved as 'bottom kissing'.

I see this as a positive thing actually.

It's a reflection of how far the hobby has come in recent years, and UKAPS can be proud to a part of the cutting and leading edge.

However, I do still encourage those with more experience and ability to post, especially for the relative newcomers to the hobby. We don't want to be perceived as elitist, which I know can be a danger.

Anyway, keep up the great work and keep posting. And try not to become disheartened if you're not getting loads of feedback. It's easy to wonder why we bother sometimes, but it could take just one view to spark inspiration that may otherwise not occur. That potential makes it all worthwhile sometimes...
Acid house? Dont you mean, smelly old cow shed? Thats what it is after all. I only know,as I ust to be a dairy farmer, and yes, I have had my whole arm up a cows whats it :sick: hahaha

Great picture, love HDR stuff, and i like the vibrant color of the odd items knocking about the shed.

Aint photography brilliant.