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About Time (79 gal, no CO2)


12 Mar 2022
Southeastern US
Y’all, it's finally here! After years of planning and procrastination, I finally have started my 4ft tank! Every single step has taken way longer than planned, but I think I have done enough now that I can actually start a journal. It’s About Time!

Tank: 120x50x50cm, 79 gallons/300 L Hydra Aquatics Tranquility aquarium

Filtration: Two Eheim 2217s (Classic 600) with prefilters, extra sponges, and a spray bar outlets.

Light: Chihiros WRGB2 90cm suspended - Yes, a 90cm light on a 120cm tank.

Substrate system: mesh bags with a mixed substrate of raised bed mix (pine bark fines, sphagnum moss, with a small amount of compost) + Controsoil + my iron-rich native soil + Safetsorb + a tiny bit of dolomitic lime) with a cap of Caribsea Peace River and Caribsea Tornado Beach decorative sand
I am returning to a DIY substrate with a significant organic fraction. I did something similar with my first two tanks that I'm hoping to improve on, but it’s still fairly experimental. I will post about this mix in detail if I end up happy with how it performs, so fingers crossed.

This build is my attempt to scale up and refine what I started with Biding Time. I am really happy with the color and plant diversity in that tank, but I never got the balance quite right. BBA was a persistent issue. I found it difficult to maintain the layout as I had imagined - the aquasoil got everywhere and I found it hard to stop myself from planting in any open area, so it eventually became overfilled with plants. I tried out a lot of stem plants, but once they were happy it was work keeping them a reasonable height in such a short tank. There are worse problems to have, but I want to do some course correction this time around.

Yes, I did do my plant layout by physically making paper placeholders and moving them around.

With this layout I have decided to feature a sunken beach. This will hopefully force me to have one open area in the front for fish and some dedicated sand for future corydoras and/or dwarf cichlids. If the cap migrates onto the sand some it should be much less visually obtrusive than aquasoil. I am planting the front half of the tank mainly with plants that should be kept 6” or less, so there should be a lot of open water above that for fish that prefer mid water and higher. I am still including stem plants, but long term they will be in smaller centralized patches. I mentioned that I have a 90 cm light on the tank and my plan is to take advantage of the gradient of light intensity that will result. Plants that need a lot of light will be in the center, and the periphery will be dimmer. The vast majority of my plants don’t need higher light anyway, even most of the stem plants, and I think it will help with algae management if there is a sizable shady area. I think some fish species will appreciate having lower light areas as well. I also like this from an aesthetic perspective - I think contrasting shadows and bright spots are much more dramatic looking than when everything is uniformly lit like a studio family portrait from the 90s. I’ve gone with a black background, but I hope it is mostly obscured by plants in the long term. I have some amazon swords and taller crypts back there that will hopefully do the job.

I am a fairly patient aquarist, so I expect this tank to take a year to grow in. There will be a lot more stems in the beginning to get that plant mass growing, and the crypts are going to take their time getting established. My light gradient idea will probably take some experimentation to implement properly. There will be other problems I haven’t anticipated (and I’ve already encountered the first one). It should be a fun ride.

I’ve got at least one more post until I’ve caught up with the present and after that we'll have to see what develops.
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That is what I call a propper planning phase!! So organised @ElleDee !
@ElleDee, Can't wait to see how it evolves.

I've been procrastinating as well for a long time about rebuilding/replanting one of my tanks (150 L). There are just too much to do in real life at the moment, but I hope to get around to it later in the fall before the Minnesota winter sets in so I wont be receiving frozen plants 😉

I am a fairly patient aquarist, so I expect this tank to take a year to grow in. There will be a lot more stems in the beginning to get that plant mass growing, and the crypts are going to take their time getting established. My light gradient idea will probably take some experimentation to implement properly. There will be other problems I haven’t anticipated (and I’ve already encountered the first one). It should be a fun ride.
Looking forward!
I love that paper plan
I really recommend it for anyone having a hard time keeping track of everything. This started as a drawn layout, but it's much harder to move things around and it's more or less to scale. I mean, you could make them to scale, but I didn't want to spend too long on it.

That is what I call a propper planning phase!! So organised @ElleDee !
Lol, it only took a few years to get to this point! It originally was imagined as a co2 injected system with a sump. That would have been awesome (and I will run a sump someday!), but I'm confident the current plan is the best I can do at my current skill level (without driving myself insane).

I've been procrastinating as well for a long time about rebuilding/replanting one of my tanks (150 L). There are just too much to do in real life at the moment, but I hope to get around to it later in the fall before the Minnesota winter sets in so I wont be receiving frozen plants 😉
This giant aquarium sat in my small foyer for more than a year. I'm not proud of it, but, yeah, I feel you. Sometimes real life gets in the way.
How close are you to planting? 😊
How close are you to planting?
Very. I've started prepping plants and am doing a total water change as soon as the kids get to bed. I don't think I'll get it all planted tonight, but I'm going to try to get all the rooted plants in with the water drained, refill, and then suffer through the stem plants tomorrow... probably Friday too, if I'm being honest with myself.
So I flooded the tank on 9/5 and planned to do a dark start of some length. Since I’m using a somewhat experimental substrate, I thought it would be beneficial to let the most labile organic matter break down and give the developing microbiome a head start.

And I immediately ran into trouble. Though the water was initially clear when I flooded the tank, it got murky within a few hours. Some of this is from colloidal clay from the yard dirt, though there are certainly tannins leaching from the wood and there may be some bacteria at play as well. (I don't think bacteria was the initial cause of the cloudiness due to the speed of the onset, but maybe I'm wrong about that. But I wouldn't be surprised if a bacterial bloom happened since then.) Through some combination of time, chemical flocculant, and increased mechanical filtration the situation began to improve after almost 3 weeks. I went on vacation for a few days last week and came back to an almost entirely clear tank. I thought, ok, that’s enough dark start for me.

I immediately began preparing to plant.

Plant list
Cryptocoryne spp.
Cryptocoryne becketti, C. wendtii ‘Green Gecko’, ‘Tropica’, ‘Mi Oya Red’, C. xpurpurea, C. lucens, C. petchii, C. affinis ‘Red’, C. balensae, C. spiralis ‘Red’, C. usteriana

Stem Plants
Ludwigia repens, L. ‘Super Red’, Bacopa caroliniana, Rotala ‘Blood Red’, R. ‘Super Red Mini’ (I think? It's gotten mixed in with the ‘Blood Red’), stargrass, Pogostemon helferi, Hottonia palustris

Rooted plants
Nymphaea zenkeri typical red form and ‘Green’, Blyxa japonica, Echinodorus ‘Fancy Twist’, Echinodorus horemanii ‘Red’, Crinum calamistratum, Aponogeton longiplumulosus

pearl weed, Helanthium ‘Vesuvius’, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Established: Java fern ‘Narrow K’, ‘Windelov’ and some straight cultivar, Bolbitis heudelotii, Ceratopteris thalictroides

Floating plants

Here’s a better shot of that layout for the curious:

There is a strong emphasis on rosette and bulb plants, particularly crypts. This is no surprise of course - I’ve made no secret about my love of cryptocorynes. I’m actually very excited to see my background plants grow in. Coming from tanks that are 12 or 13” tall, growing something to the top here is very novel.

For the first time ever, I have no brand new plants going straight from my mailbox to the tank! The Cryptocoryne usteriana, C. spiralis ‘Red’, and some of the C. lucens are TC plants I've only been growing out for a month, so while they look quite happy, they are still quite small. A few of the others are also fairly new, but seem to have acclimated easily. New plants always do much better in a mature tank, and hopefully they will benefit from the strong start and be able to transition over to the new tank without too much trouble.

On Monday I broke down the nano shrimp tank in the kitchen. It was the second tank I built and the first I have ever taken down. Between the dirt substrate, the wall-to-wall crypts, and all the shrimp it was quite a pain to deal with! I found out I have a mild skin sensitivity to crypts, so the next time I have to rip through a pound of them I should wear gloves. A quick Google search tells me I'm not the first person to experience this. Good to know, I guess.

A small handful of the crypts from the nano tank

I wanted to add some of the bacteria and microfauna to the new tank, so I rinsed out the cap as much as possible and added it to the new tank. It’s mostly the same Peace River sand/gravel, but it’s got some larger stones mixed in as well, plus the small amount of dirt that remained. You may be surprised to hear that after so many years there were still discernible bits of pine bark left in the substrate. Probably lots of microbial goodies in that pine bark, not that I could have washed it all out anyway. And I siphoned out some little seed shrimp or whatever they are and added those directly. I don’t know that the tank is stable enough for them to survive, but why not try?

After rinsing it out, I immediately turned the nano into a holding tank for all the cleaned and sorted plants, (plus a large ‘Narrow K’ java fern from another tank).
Yesterday I harvested a good chunk of the stem plants out of Biding Time and started moving fish and shrimp into other tanks.

Tonight the tank gets drained and planting begins!