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A pine root planted randomness

6 months old now (almost).


I have to say I love this tank. I am thinking about a new tank of some sort and seeing this really makes me want to get a 90p. Its grown in really nicely and the angelfish look great in there.
I have to say I love this tank. I am thinking about a new tank of some sort and seeing this really makes me want to get a 90p. Its grown in really nicely and the angelfish look great in there.
AquaSys 230 has nice dimensions.. I love the depth of it, gives some extra space in all directions to play with the scape
Beautiful tank - reminds me of the older style nature aquarium tanks in the Amano books I have that were my original inspiration for this hobby.
what do you do to stop all the moss trimmings settling and growing after you have cut them as they dont float, do you just siphon them up?
Hi, yes. Just a good siphoning up all the leftovers right after trimming and on next water change. That's it. If some bits get still trapped somewhere I'm not that pedantic, and the current style of scape aids it too
Hi, yes. Just a good siphoning up all the leftovers right after trimming and on next water change. That's it. If some bits get still trapped somewhere I'm not that pedantic, and the current style of scape aids it too
Ahh, ok. I'm just about to set up a 100cm tank, an the wood scape is similar to yours in that it has a lot of branches coming out which I want to wrap in Taiwan moss and fissadens. I was only put off by trimming the moss as its a nightmare in smaller tanks but doesn't sound that bad in a bigger tank.