This is a fantastic forum, and considering that about eight weeks ago I knew absolutely nothing about planted tanks and CO2, I feel that I have learned a tremendous amount.
However ...
One or two things still confuse me.
Whenever I read about BGA (I don't have any BGA) one of the solutions seems to be to clean the filters weekly. Now this seems to run against the general rule of fish keeping. I have always believed that you leave your filters alone until, (if ever), the flow rate drops. The brown gunk inside the filter is the good bacteria. Am I incorrect in my beliefs? Doesn't cleaning the filters weekly destroy the bacteria?
I have a problem with BBA - not a huge problem, but it's there. The glass and gravel never show any type of algae.
The tank is 2 feet long, one foot wide and 15 inches high. About 80 Ltrs. Two 24w T5 tubes. Lighting 6 hours per day.
I have CO2 pressurised. I have the diffuser in the bottom, back, right hand corner. Over the diffuser is a very small internal canister with the spraybar pointing directly down over the ceramic plate - this creates a vertical whirlpool effect, and the CO2 seems to dissolve better this way. The main spray bar (connected to a Fluval 104) creates the flow around the tank. There are no spots where plants aren't waving gently in the flow. EI dosing is being used.
I have two drop checkers - front right and front left of the tank - they never move off light green. I'm not sure why I still have BBA.
The vallis is going crazy - putting out runners and new plants regularly. The BBA attaches to bog wood and the Java Fern.
Any ideas?
However ...
One or two things still confuse me.
Whenever I read about BGA (I don't have any BGA) one of the solutions seems to be to clean the filters weekly. Now this seems to run against the general rule of fish keeping. I have always believed that you leave your filters alone until, (if ever), the flow rate drops. The brown gunk inside the filter is the good bacteria. Am I incorrect in my beliefs? Doesn't cleaning the filters weekly destroy the bacteria?
I have a problem with BBA - not a huge problem, but it's there. The glass and gravel never show any type of algae.
The tank is 2 feet long, one foot wide and 15 inches high. About 80 Ltrs. Two 24w T5 tubes. Lighting 6 hours per day.
I have CO2 pressurised. I have the diffuser in the bottom, back, right hand corner. Over the diffuser is a very small internal canister with the spraybar pointing directly down over the ceramic plate - this creates a vertical whirlpool effect, and the CO2 seems to dissolve better this way. The main spray bar (connected to a Fluval 104) creates the flow around the tank. There are no spots where plants aren't waving gently in the flow. EI dosing is being used.
I have two drop checkers - front right and front left of the tank - they never move off light green. I'm not sure why I still have BBA.
The vallis is going crazy - putting out runners and new plants regularly. The BBA attaches to bog wood and the Java Fern.
Any ideas?