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a few issues..

chrisr01 said:
Hi AdAndrews.

Don't get fed up. I think we've all been there, done that.
But here's an idea that's worked for me on my previous tank, whilst I was sorting out my distribution issues 🙄
Why not add Easycarbo daily, as well as your CO2 until you beat the algae?


Chris is right, when i had staghorn in my kitchen tank, i added more CO2 and easycarbo and upped my water changes. BUT, then you then have to work out whats wrong to keep it away.

Only just come in on this, but here is a few things that i looked at.

1. Do you clean your co2 diffusor? ( i did but not enough)
2. Are you putting enough/getting enough spread of Co2 in your tank? ( i had to increase my CO2)
3. Whilst combating algae you have to remove the infected leaves, scrub rock with toothbrush and do lots of water changes to help.

It took me a couple of weeks but i managed to beat it. Don't let it get you down! :thumbup:
andyh said:
i added more CO2 and easycarbo and upped my water changes. easycarbo is 2ml daily squirted onto affected area's

Only just come in on this, but here is a few things that i looked at.

1. Do you clean your co2 diffusor? ( i did but not enough)The diffuser is in-line on the filter output, so i thought it didnt need cleaning..?
2. Are you putting enough/getting enough spread of Co2 in your tank? ( i had to increase my CO2)flow is everywhere, so is bubbles of co2
3. Whilst combating algae you have to remove the infected leaves, scrub rock with toothbrush and do lots of water changes to help.yes, i am doing that on 1-2 days basis

It took me a couple of weeks but i managed to beat it. Don't let it get you down! :thumbup: