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A fairly shrimple nano

Hey, just saying thanks for the updates. Appreciated.
I set up my 20 L cube also this weekend as i cleaned up my other tank.
Wishing i had put more effort into it now after seeing yours.
As usual i was strapped for time and a day turns to an hour when its Tank Business, or is that just me?
My 20 was more of a plant rescue tank at the moment.



Thanks for the kind words!

I figured it's good to document ups and downs in my tanks, plus I love seeing what others do with their nano's, so if mine can help show other possible options then I'm glad.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, I have a tank sitting empty that I haven't been able to do for weeks, and will be weeks yet.

If you have a journal for your 20l i'd happily follow 🙂
As is the way of things, my attempts at aquascaping have quickly given way to removing hardscape to make way for more biomass 😂

Not quite sure what this tank wants to be, but it's nice and healthy looking I think.

The bare patch in the middle is just waiting for some cryptocoryne flamingo, due to arrive midweek!
