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90 cm fresh start. Thread finished.

Looking sweet Tim....congratulations mate🙂. The path has really brightened up the tank. A huge improvement in hard scape & planting pattern as compared to when the tank was started. Great recovery !!!
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This one is still running, bba still an issue on hardscape just constantly cleaning and picking away at the stuff, it seems to go through growth spurts just when I think it's receeding it'll bloody bloom again still at least it's on the hardscape not the plants, cherry shrimp also blooming, babies all over which is good,also extended the Samoa sand all along the front hydro japan was past it's best needed more constant trimming than I gave it, swapped out for some moss stones looking forward to rescaping this and hopefully rectifying a few mistakes I've made with this scape 14215580535_957c6335c2_c.jpg
Thanks for looking.
Looking fantastic Tim. I prefer it with the sand at the front, seems a lot cleaner. 🙂
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Glad to see you overcame the urge to tear this one down!, it looks great and the bba issue, to an onlooker is not noticeable and surely shows your dedication to maintaining this tank!!


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Hi folks, stuck a pic of this one into iaplc comp this year, keep the uk numbers up.
Tank has to come down in a couple of months due to a house move so I've decided to run it for the last couple of months with a little more light, interested to see the effect on plant growth, co2 upped accordingly, running 2x39w for 7 hours with 4x39w for a 3 hour burst 2 hours after lights on, will also spend the next month or two trying to get some pics from my daughters nikon d60, so here's a few straight from the camera, any tips much appreciated 🙂
Rotala liking the extra light
Friendly beckfordi, adore these fish
Fts (sort of)
Bba still on the hardscape mostly through laziness on my part, also got a bit of bga between substrate and glass, have had this issue for a few months each year last few years (natural light ?) credit card run along the glass and syphon out works well to keep it under control.
Thanks for looking.
Little update, so far the extra two tubes have increased plant growth and IMO improved colours of the stems but not without cost, co2 increase algae issues I already had grow faster without lots of extra attention, scrubbing hardscape, wiping glass etc etc 3 x weekly waterchanges of around 70-80% I will try and get some pics over the weekend but for now a cr4ppy little iPhone vid of my pencils performing unarmed combat and a little hand feeding for those fish brave enough :lol:
Hi folks final update on this journal, tank will come down at the end of this month due to a house move, using it at the moment as a grow out tank for the next scape, I will post the iaplc pic I got from it at some point, but for now here's how it looks at the moment,
I've learnt a lot from the tank in its many forms mostly I struggle to balance co2 with the light offered so once moved I'll be fitting a light stand sturdy enough for the arcadia, and will continue with just the 2 tubes and 4 just for photos, anyway as always thanks for looking 🙂
Ah bit bummed out, I really liked how this one ended up and look forward to a new big scape from you. Will make a change from all the dinky ones 🙂

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Ah bit bummed out, I really liked how this one ended up and look forward to a new big scape from you. Will make a change from all the dinky ones 🙂

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Cheers Ali 🙂 tbh first scape after the move won't be anything special, just planning to get the tank back up and running ASAP because I can't face taking the pencils back to the lfs :lol: thanks for the comments along the way mate.