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80cm - Paradise Found

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
This is the final shot of my Dutch, as featured in the Jan '11 PFK.

All the plants are now distributed amongst fellow UKAPS Members! 🙂

Season's Greetings to one and all! 😀

Have had some thoughts on Dutch layouts myself recently, nice example 🙂
Thanks guys! 😀

fozziebear said:
what plant is that in the foreground lower left? ive always wondered what species it is.
Lobelia cardinalis.

Ideally I would have matured this over 6 months or so, and the Lobelia and Staurogyne in particular could be pruned into proper streets, as per the classic Dutch layouts.

I'd recommend a Dutch 'scape to anyone who fancies a challenge!
cheers george, i have to say im not a fan of dutch, but even you make it appealing 😛 i like the rear more than the foreground.
Great Dutch! Congratulations, George! :thumbup:
Nope, you have to be in Holland for it to be dutch. 😉
Looks good George. Reminds me of Tom Barr's harvesting tanks.
Garuf said:
Nope, you have to be in Holland for it to be dutch. 😉


Well luckily that is not the criterium. However, lack of views to the backwall, missing streets of plants, and to much central focus "disqualify" it from being typical Dutch Style.

But than again, who cares which style it is when the result looks like this.
Marco Aukes said:

But do not sneak out that easily; you should definitely try to go the full Dutch Style once!
Yes, indeed. I think it needs a 180cm to do it justice.
got the chance to see this in the flesh (and carry it up a flight of stairs, heavy!!!) looked great, but still needed a little more time to mature 😉
Nice texture differences between the planting groups. A little more colour would've brightened it up a little bit IMHO.

Also, have you tried to shoot this tank with a long lens to compress it rather than a wide-angle to deepen it? Check out Filipe's blog link below. I think planting bushes would look better with a zoom lens. Just a suggestion. I'm guessing you've torn it down by now :lol:

http://faao.blogspot.com/2010/06/2-lent ... entes.html