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70L planted - first tank

Another milestone for my tank - fry!
The white cloud mountain minnows have gone forth and multiplied. I can see four tiny black dashes, maybe about 3mm in length bipping around the limnophila sessiliflora at the top of the tank. They stay in a small patch.
I'm not planning on raising them separately or with infusoria etc so I'm not sure how much longer they have in them #callous but it's a amazing to see these lil things nevertheless. I have moved some slightly algae-ish salvinia into the vicinity, partly thinking that might be a food source, but mostly just to ease my conscience.
That's great, happy whiteclouds, I do hope they survive!
I was amazed to find a sparkling gourami fry in one of my tanks a couple of weeks ago. How it managed to avoid the adults & my weekly maintenance is anyone's guess!
It's aliiiiiive!!

Just spotted a tiny whitecloud darting out of the limnophila sessiliflora at feeding time. Must be no more than 1cm long, but lovely colours and very active chasing the food as it settles down through the water and then darting back into cover. Can't believe it - one survived!

Attached a very rough current tank pic. Apols for the reflections. Not much has changed - still quite jungle-y immersed and emersed.


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A 'win' for the Duckweed index - I noticed some of my frogbit looking a bit peaky. Checked my auto-dosing and the macros line is blocked with crystallised ferts. No Macros getting through. Ugh! No idea how long it's been like that. After clearing the lines with a bent wire coat hanger, happy to report that normal service has resumed.