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65 Liter 60x30x42 'no name'

@sciencefiction Yes I put them all in one tank. Good to know how that works! So when red and yellow crossbreed they are brown. Do they get a bit more color? Or do they stay normally a bit transparant like in my pics? I like them, they are a nice addition to the others. Unfortunately I don't have the blue shrimps anymore. Would be nice to have purple ones! All of the first group disappeared and I bought some new red cherries and oranges shrimps. Will they also be brown when they crossbreed? Or is the orange closer to red so they will keep color? Will figure out soon i guess!

@MossMan thanks for your comment! I am proud of the tank and how the scape is developing. 🙂
So when red and yellow crossbreed they are brown. Do they get a bit more color? Or do they stay normally a bit transparant like in my pics?
I am not entirely sure about the exact colour as I haven't seen them in person. The pictures of the wild ones I've seen online look pretty close to the colour of your. I've read that they are pretty good for tanks with predators as they blend in with the environment.

bought some new red cherries and oranges shrimps. Will they also be brown when they crossbreed? Or is the orange closer to red so they will keep color? Will figure out soon i guess!

I am not sure. I think you are safer with orange and red. I think the orange cherry is bred from red cherry where yellow and red cherries are bred directly from the wild coloration. I could be wrong. You'll have to see 🙂
Hi all, it has been a while since i made an update. The tank is doing pretty well, no major signs of algae. Shrimps are reproducing quite a bit 🙂 there are at least 50 of them.

In the past months I added some new plants (bucephalandra 'wavy green', hydrocotyle and mircrosorum trident) and some more wood. For ferts I switched to EI dosing (i am dosing a bit less since I don't have a CO2 system).
Feedback & comments much appreciated! 🙂
Aquarium_09-2016-1.jpg Aquarium_09-2016-2.jpg Aquarium_09-2016-3.jpg Aquarium_09-2016-4.jpg Aquarium_09-2016-5.jpg Aquarium_09-2016-6.jpg
Super tank Albert, out of interest, how many hours do you have the lights on every day?

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Thanks @Alexander Belchenko The stem plants are Hemianthus micranthemoides and Rotala rotundifolia. The lights are the standard LED's that came with the setup. Probably not high light. I don't have a CO2 system but only dosing flourish excel every day. That is maybe why they look 'stretched out'. Do you remove the bottom part of the plant if you replant the top? Or you keep them both? I keep them always both.

Thanks! @BexHaystack The lights are on for 9 hours. From 11:30 - 20:30
@sciencefiction Yes I put them all in one tank. Good to know how that works! So when red and yellow crossbreed they are brown. Do they get a bit more color? Or do they stay normally a bit transparant like in my pics? I like them, they are a nice addition to the others. Unfortunately I don't have the blue shrimps anymore. Would be nice to have purple ones! All of the first group disappeared and I bought some new red cherries and oranges shrimps. Will they also be brown when they crossbreed? Or is the orange closer to red so they will keep color? Will figure out soon i guess!

@MossMan thanks for your comment! I am proud of the tank and how the scape is developing. 🙂

Hey Albert. I am sorry for not replying, I wasn't round at the time. You have probably already figured the answers out 🙂 I feel compelled to reply however.

Personally, I am not an expert on shrimp. I am just a hobbyist that has had great success keeping them in large quantities.

To answer your question, from what I've seen, they do produce odd and unusual colours when crossed bred, but that takes time. The majority of them will be the same colour, whatever is dominating your tank as a rule. But separating the oddballs was how the fancy colour shrimp were bred originally...similar to what happened with guppies..
In my opinion, they are an excellent crew to have in your tank...They are the best shredders of surface substrate detritus I have ever imagined..

And by the way, your tank looks amazing. Great job!
Thanks @sciencefiction Most of the shrimps are red or transparant with some black or red spots. And some are almost black with red accents. Hopefully I can start another tank soon in my new office. Then I will separate the transparant shrimps from the red shrimps. I am curious how this will work out.
Hi all. I have a question. Yesterday my LED light started to blink and suddenly didn't work anymore. Today I went back to the store where I bought my aquarium (including the LED lights etc). They will check if they can fix it and I can come back on Thursday. My question is what will happen to the plants (maybe fishes too) if they are this long without light (4 days total). Is this fine for the plants? Or should I put another light in meanwhile?