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60cm play tank

There's no secret. Perhaps my tap water is magical!

I'm currently growing glosso and Blyxa in my 25 litre desktop nano with 18w PC T5 and non-CO2 (Easycarbo). Growth is very slow but that's a good thing for me...

George Farmer said:
There's no secret. Perhaps my tap water is magical!

I'm currently growing glosso and Blyxa in my 25 litre desktop nano with 18w PC T5 and non-CO2 (Easycarbo). Growth is very slow but that's a good thing for me...


Hey! My tap water is magical too! What a small world!

Easycarbo is still Carbon. You are cheating, George. :lol:
Well, easy carb is not really no CO2 in a sense, however...........

The tank looks nice and grows at a nice reduced rate.

With slower rates, sediment based ferts really do really well, easy etc, then you add some traces etc, and some fish and feed them, not much else is required. If you dose light to the water column, then the plants do well and the system is low input.

Many folks love that.
If you own 3-4 tanks, then having 1/2 of them like this makes more sense.

Tom Barr
Nice job George, I prefer low tech tanks just because there's less equipment in the tank & theres also alot less maintenance if you have alot of tanks on the go.
If a tank can look that good without co2 injection & abit more patients the rewards are greater.
Thanks, jimbo!

I've not used CO2 injection for a good while now but will be doing very soon for my latest project...