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60cm makes a comeback

Dave Spencer

3 Jul 2007
N. Wales
The aquascaping ball is well and truly rolling for me at the moment. Long may it continue. 😀

I have grown a little bored using my freebie rocks, so I had to bite the bullet and line Jim`s pockets again. Still, I get the last laugh as I nicked a piece of rock he was using as a paperweight.

This is still very much a work in progress, but the planting will be Marsilea sp in amongst the rock strata, with HM around the base of the wood and something like Ludwigia arcuata at the back.

Fish will almost certainly be Dwarf Corys and Green Neons.


Very Nice Dave 😀 the rocks look fantastic, I love the arrangement. IMO the wood arrangement needs a little attention, The centre peice looks a little top heavy to me and it might look better if you changed the angle on either the left or right peice perhaps directing one to the front of the scape to add more depth? I wouldnt move the rocks this arrangement is the nuts. Great start mate, Look forward to following this one!

Love the rocks Dave, youve done well there. I like the fanning of the rocks and the Marsilia will look great peeping out. Can i sugest Cyperus helferi, in between the two peices of wood on the right. Give it some hight and its a classy looking tank, i know classy and spencer are lke oil and water, haha. No Dave, looks really nice, and good use of space too

Good good 8)
The rock positioning is spot on and looks natural with the strata all in-line.

I like the wood too.

And the fish choice.

I look forward to seeing it once planted.

Nice one, Dave.

PS That's one hell of a wide-angle lens... and corrected for barreling too. Sweeet.
Dave, fantastic rockwork but I've changed my mind about that "special" piece of rock.

So if you could get it back here as soon as possible we'll say no more! 😀

It will look even better when its grown in. Very nice indeed.
Cheers for the comments, guys. I have always wanted to grow Cyperus helferi Graeme. I always like to try some new plants with each scape, so you have me thinking now.

The lens is awesome, George. Well spotted, but you are not a judge for AGA for nowt. Barrel distortion at 14mm is virtually negligible, but it did come at a price!!!! The lens is virtually touching the front glass in order to fill the frame. Wide angle photography takes a little getting used to.

Jim, you can have your scabby piece of rock back. I`ll take my custom to Jaydee Aquatics down the road in future. :lol:

I haven`t been able to do much to the scape this weekend, but I have added a little coarser sand in moderation to see how it looked. The tank has a very arrid desert look to it. Perhaps I should keep it for some small lizards...


Cheers, Dave.
That rock positioning is superb fella!
The 'grain' of the rocks make them seem as though they are connected as one larger piece under the ground.
Im tempted to get a wide angle lens on my G9 i might have to put it higher on my list.....
I`ll have to change the name of this topic. :lol:

Here are my HC, HM and Didiplis diandra dissolving away at an alarming rate. What you are seeing is the result of a five day fight back of huge water changes, with some new signs of growth.


This die off literally happened overnight, and half of the plants have dissolved in to nothing, leaving the scraggy mess shown above. Something had to be dumped in to the tank to cause such a rapid die off, but I have no idea what.

However, here is the smoking gun...... :lol:


I will have to replant again, and get the HC filling in the crevices all over again. This was a potential competition tank, but I will just be happy to retrieve it from the ashes, or should I say mush. Ah well, it can only get better.


EDIT: I forgot to mention how unbelievably quickly varoius types of algae soon moved in, along with some BGA.
I have no idea what went in there Graeme. There was no suspiscious smells or water discolouration, so I don`t think it was anything like fruit juice. No bubbles, so detergents are unlikely, but something fairly potent and quick acting went in there for sure.

I guess I`ll be paying you a visit soon for some more plants, as I think the HM is almost certainly never going to fully recover. Last time I was at TGM, I think I was discussing Green neons with you. I`m glad the CO2 was still high and the tank not yet ready, as I doubt they would have survived this excursion.

Still, it`s quite an interesting challenge to see what can be recovered from this. I just wish I had the time to give it full on care and attention.

Hi Dave,
jeez dave you cant punish that little cutie :lol:,

Man thats a real shame cuz it was looking real good,but with your talents i am sure you will knock it into shape,

good luck mate,

regards john.
Cheers guys, I am actually looking forward to the fight back. I can now turn out any old rubbish and people will be praising my efforts, as it can only look better. :lol:

john starkey said:
jeez dave you cant punish that little cutie :lol:,
regards john.

Sure John, butter wouldn`t melt and all that.... :lol: No, I can`t blame anyone or anything, I suppose.
