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55l Dennerle Scaper’s Tank - First Attempt


22 Oct 2018
Setup: 21/10/18

Tank: 55l Dennerle Scaper’s Tank

Light: 2x Aquael LEDDY SMART LED

Filter: EHEIM Ecco Pro 130

CO2: TNC Liquid Carbon

Others: Eheim Surface Skimmer 350

Hardscape: Redmoor Wood and Leopard Stone

Substrate: Tropica soil

Fertilisation: Aquascaper Complete Liquid Plant Food

Fauna: None yet (have 1 neon tertra left from a previous tank but open to suggestions)

Flora: Mixed Cryptocorynes, Anubias Petite, Bucephalandra, Microsorum Trident, Spikey Moss, Rotala Green and Ludwigia Mini Super Red

I am also currently dosing Seachem Stability to start things off and running glass lily pipes.

I was really keen on the nature style aquarium. Mine is quite a chaotic tank, but I’m really happy with how it looks so far.

As I said, open to suggestions on tank inhabitants.

Current thinking is:
Amano Shrimp (probably 5)
Red Cherry Shrimp (probably 10)
Otocinclus Catfish (not sure on numbers)
Celestial Pearl Danios (not sure on numbers)
Green Neon Tetras/Male Endlers (not sure on numbers)

I have included a few photos from the set up process and the finished product!


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Also, a massive thanks to Steve and Dave at Aquarium Gardens who helped in the selection and supplying of equipment, fauna and hardscape. Really great customer service!
Nice start mate liking it. :thumbup: Just keep an eye on the surface skimmer with the shrimp. They tend to hoover them up so people make a mesh grill for the intake, I've also found dead Ember Tetras in mine before so small fish are also susceptible. I think you should have enough flow going on there with your canister so maybe try without the Eheim and see how you get on. Also less big chunky grey equipment just looks nicer ;)

I don't think the guppies will mind so much but Tetras and Ottos I would go for six or above. That tank will take 8/10 no bother. Ottos don't tend to be about much in brightly lit tanks so if you want something to look at rather than look for I would go with Tetras. How about some pygmy corys as well? They will occupy the the lower levels while the Tetra sit in mid water. Cherry shrimp will get on with them fine although the Tetras will probably prey on the babies. TBH cherries get out of control anyway so they will keep the population down.
Meant to say, really liking those stones :cool:
Just looked at your pics again.

Is the filter intake at the back? I can’t quite tell.

Should be at the front just behind outlet. Get a better circular flow. Maybe swap heater and skim. Place the skim back right facing the inlet to assist with that flow. Won’t blast so many stem plants that way.

Just a few thoughts (forgive me if I am wrong, can’t quite tell from pics on iPad)
Nice start mate liking it. :thumbup: Just keep an eye on the surface skimmer with the shrimp. They tend to hoover them up so people make a mesh grill for the intake, I've also found dead Ember Tetras in mine before so small fish are also susceptible. I think you should have enough flow going on there with your canister so maybe try without the Eheim and see how you get on. Also less big chunky grey equipment just looks nicer ;)

I don't think the guppies will mind so much but Tetras and Ottos I would go for six or above. That tank will take 8/10 no bother. Ottos don't tend to be about much in brightly lit tanks so if you want something to look at rather than look for I would go with Tetras. How about some pygmy corys as well? They will occupy the the lower levels while the Tetra sit in mid water. Cherry shrimp will get on with them fine although the Tetras will probably prey on the babies. TBH cherries get out of control anyway so they will keep the population down.

Thanks for the tip on the surface skimmer. Aquarium Gardens were kind enough to give me some mesh to make it Shrimp safe! I’ve left the mesh out for now so it sucks everything in whilst there are bits of debris about from planting. Agree on looks, will think about removing once the tank is bedded in!

Thanks for the advice on the fish and shrimp! I have thought about Pygmy Corys, do you know if they help control algae? Was considering them instead of Ottos. What kind of size groups do Pygmy Corys like to be kept in, in your experience?
Just looked at your pics again.

Is the filter intake at the back? I can’t quite tell.

Should be at the front just behind outlet. Get a better circular flow. Maybe swap heater and skim. Place the skim back right facing the inlet to assist with that flow. Won’t blast so many stem plants that way.

Just a few thoughts (forgive me if I am wrong, can’t quite tell from pics on iPad)

Thanks a lot! I have moved the filter intake next to the outlet pipe! Good thought on the skimmer, it does blast the stem plants at the back a bit!
Still loving my tank! Added a Neon Tetra from my old tank as the filter seemed to be struggling. He seems to be enjoying the plants and has plenty of places to hide if he wants. I have also added 5 Amano shrimps, which seem to be hiding a lot!

I have been doing 50% water changes 3 times a week, for the first two weeks but will probably try and drop it down to twice a week now.

I have been dosing 2.5ml of the Aquascaper Complete liquid plant food per day and 1ml of TNC liquid carbon per day. I dosed Seachem Stability for the first week as per the bottle and am dosing on water changes.

I have had a bit of crypt melt, but been trimming as soon as any sign of issues. The Rotala has been growing very quickly, which is reassuring!

Some plants have been moved slightly to accommodate for the flow etc. But no major changes as yet!

There is a bit of white ‘mould’ on the Redmoor Wood, but from what I have read on the forum this is fairly normal and nothing to worry about!

Still considering moving to CO2 soon!

Great looking little scape there.

Will be following with interest as similar dimensions to my tank but it looks far better than mine.

The draw for going high tech is calling us both to add co2
Great looking little scape there.

Will be following with interest as similar dimensions to my tank but it looks far better than mine.

The draw for going high tech is calling us both to add co2

Thanks a lot! Yes it definitely is tempting, just need to do more research and get comfortable with it first!

Great start :thumbup:
Good choice in equipment and the tank is a great size to work on love mine

Thanks a lot! Yeah I think the surface skimmer was a really good buy, keeps the surface really clear! Really like the tank as it’s reasonably budget friendly and a good size for the hardscape.
It’s been 5 weeks since I set the tank up so thought it’s worth doing a quick update.

No major issues to speak of so far. Still dosing fertilisers and liquid CO2 daily and SeaChem Stability with every water change.

For the first few weeks I was doing 3 50% water changes per week, but I have dropped this down to 2 recently.

Tank inhabitants now include my lone neon tetra, Amano shrimps and Red Cherry Shrimps. I didn’t see the Amano shrimp for ages at first, but they seemed to be more adventorous as soon as I introduced the Red Cherries!

Unfortunately I have lost two Red Cherry Shrimp. One got stuck in the filter inlet and was dead by the time I found it and the other died in the surface skimmer. I use a mesh guard around the skimmer inlet, so was surprised to find one in there.

I did suffer with a bit of crypt melt at first and some diatoms on the crypts, but the shrimp seem to have cleared this up. Aquarium Gardens recommended some fast growing plants at first to help fight the battle against algae, this is also something George Farmer regularly mentions in his videos. I was supplied with Ludwigia and Rotala Green which seem to have done well. The change in the leaf shape of the Rotala is also interesting to seem, from emmersed to submerged state.

The regular water changes make sure that I keep an eye out for any decaying plants and remove them regularly.

In hindsight, I wouldn’t have planted so close to the glass as this does make maintainance more difficult.

There are a few points that I need a bit of help with:

1. My inlet and outlet tubing and Lilly pipes have a fair amount of algae build up. What is the best way the clean this? I have bought a pipe cleaning brush, but not sure if it will be tough enough to get it off.

2. I have an Eheim Ecco Pro 200 filter and the white filter sponge is already looking a bit worse for wear. How often do people change these? Pressumably you wouldn’t do a straight swap for a new one as the existing sponge contains the helpful bacteria?

I have 5 Amano Shrimp and 8 Red Cherry Shrimp. I’m not feeding them separately so want to make sure they have enough to eat, they have been fine so far. I plan to add fish next week. I am still drawn to CPDs and am thinking 10 should be good. Cherry Barbs and Ember Tetras are also a potential option. I do like Emerald Rasbora as well but haven’t seen them for sale locally. I plan to add 5 one week and 5 in another week or two from them. I also like Pygmy Corys so May add some at some point down the line. Thoughts on fish selection welcome and thanks to those who have made suggestions already!


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