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54ltr 'The Nook' planted shrimp CRS/CBS tank

A wee update with this tank that I hadn't thought had grown in much but was surprised when I saw the old photo. Co2 had been switched off in anticipation of crs shrimplets hatching and has been off for around 6 wks. Its back on now and has been slowly turned up to allow the shrimp to acclimatise.

The acrylic lid has curled up despite being 8mm thick so I'm going to get a glass lid from the green machine.

The shrimp are doing well. Can you spot the white one?

The shrimp with poor colouration have now gone to another ukaps member

And the Boss lady

I have some BBA which I think is probably due to co2 going off but who knows....
The new glass lid looks sooo much better than the perspex! Have put some hydrocotyle t japan rear left hand corner so that it can wrap around the shoulders of the wood and java fern and fill that corner providing the shrimp with some cover for when the fish go back in. Think the photos are always so bad due to lack of light....


Going to fit a light under the shelf above just for the purpose of taking a decent photo. This does not do the tank any justice at all:sick:
Got some BBA that started spreading since the co2 went off so have raised the light and hung it from the shelf above. Will remove the BBA and hope it doesn't come back! Shrimp breeding well and there have been 2 lots of new shrimplets within days of each other with a 3rd lot due to hatch any time. Came back from holiday to find the nice quality stop sign Hinomaru, that was bred in this tank, berried.🙂 but a couple more week until they hatch.There aren't many shrimp in the tank as I've been taking the lower grades out as soon as they are a good size to see quality of color.

The nice cbs I came back from holiday to find berried


A couple of nice crs


Some nice ones amongst the next batch of juveniles


and you can just make out some tiny babies in the substrate. There must be 30-40 maybe more of these little guys. Plus big berthas hiding so hers are probably hatching now and the cbs due in around 2 weeks.

I'm now using the mosura product TDS UP along with the mosura mineral plus to get the desired tds 150 and gh5. Have pulled up the Lilaeopsis Mauritiana as it was getting lovely and thick in places making it difficult for the big shrimp to move through it. Have replaced it with moss meshes containing a mix of fissidens fontanus, taiwan and mini pelia for a more natural look. Next month I'm looking to introduce some new blood to the tank, maybe a couple of PRL to improve colour but really tempted by the ruby red Taiwan bees.
Ta for looking, sorry bad phone pics.
I got all my shrimp from the ebay seller 'craven(some number)' I just asked him for a mixed bag of crs/cbs and quality/markings. He often starts one of his listings with *WOW*.
The cbs tiger tooth had the best colouration of the blacks but she could have bred with the crs or cbs males with the Hinimaru or mosura markings. I don't even know if the nice no entry hinimaru came from a cbs mum as I've noticed broods can be mixed. There can also be a huge variation within a brood on markings and quality. I can see these things because I keep the numbers low and only have 5 breeding females and 2males in the tank at the mo. All of the females have excellent colour but are capable of producing poor coloured offspring. Non of my breeding adults are 3/4band but many of the offspring are 3/4 band good and bad colour. I've noticed quite a few white shrimp from the latest hatchings too so I will take them out but the whitest are nice looking and I've kept one in my other tank just to see how he looks as he matures.
I have really fallen in love with the Hydrocotyle verticillata and it seems to like being right under the light on my shrimp tank. Have just noticed the little star shaped flowers.
Have made a few changes. Took out the mini twisted vallis. Put in more wood, mini java fern, unknown moss, round pelia and some oak leaves. Hygrophila pinnatifida has also been added. Trimmed out a fair bit of the java fern with the split ends(name?). Trimmed the fissidens fontanus right back and my coral pelia is finally starting to recover from the pillage for Ady's tank. Image shack has changed a bit so apologies if the photos are bad sizes. Ok, they are massive. Back to the drawing board...

Below are pics of my shrimp going crazy for stinging nettle





coral pelia finally starting to grow back!
Was doing my weekly maintenance on this tank today and thought I'd share. First time on tapatalk thing so this may be incomplete, no photos etc.ejedamat.jpg
I disconnect filter and replace floss and rinse out bag of charcoal. I have a bucket with 5litres marked on it so empty filter into that. Use the filters outlet hose to empty tank water into bucket up to 5l mark.
Once I've reconnected the filter I leave it running.
As you can see this gets lots of air into the tank.
I then make up my 5l of water to go into tank. I add dechlorinator and then a small amount of ferts. I then add mosura mineral plus to get the gh to 5. I then add mosura tds up to get the tds to 160. The new water is added to the tank through co2 tubing which is quite narrow so is slow to go in.
I hope this works!

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Really lovely looking tank, heathy and good coloured shrimp, do I see some SSS grades in there.

Thank you uploading photos of your maintenance routine, really very useful and informative, particularly for a complete beginner like me self.

Hope you don't mind me saying, I noticed that your using both mosura mineral plus and mosura TDS up to get to the correct levels. Just wondering are you TDS plus to top off only as well as mineral plus gets you to the right GH levels .

I wonder why its not the same for me as prevouisly chatted i am only using mosura mineral plus but the ultra version, it has raise my TDS level but hasn't really improved my GH levels. So I've purchased both a new GH testing kit as I think the one I brought the other day has been on shelf for some time so may have gone off and also brought some bee shrimp GH+.
I use tds up to increase my tds. It doesn't raise gh. I use mosura mineral plus ultra to achieve gh5 but have to the use tds to raise the tds further as it is only 110 with M mineral plus.
connect a bottle of whiskey to the tank giving the shrimp a once in a lifetime treat
I think that would be the end of them although maybe whisky pickled shrimp would taste good? Bit of an expensive snack though.