So it begins, after a 4 year break I’ve started collecting bits and bobs to make another scape. I intend on a heavily planted ermergant tank. Undecided whether to go down the co2/LED set up again or to go o’natural, self sustaining type!
Tank: 50x40x25 shallow optiwhite tank made by interfish, not the best silicone work but was a bargain at £30 and it will be sat on a solid oak “tall boy” I’ve restored and painted.
Filtration: Aqua-manta efx 200 with clear hoses and lily pipes.
Lighting, either home made fog light pendant, or some flashy expensive LED thing... (not yet purchased)
Co2: if I go down this route I will use my old co2 art reg with a FE I’m yet to purchase.
Heater: inline
Substrate, unsure, probably tropica & foreground sand.
Hardscape: mini landscape style stone mopani and manzanita wood, also considering using heather if I can get more details on it!
Plants: rough idea... Anubis, microsorum pteropus trident, crypts, hydrocotyle tripartita, staurogyne repens, mosses and some other stuff! Really like the idea of a maidenhair fern growing out of the tree trunk (see pictures) but we’ll see,
Fish, amino shrimp, ottos, and dwarf cory’s, Danio Margaritatus.
Can’t decide between Fundulopanchax sjostedti, or Tateurndina Ocellicauda. For the statement fish!
Very early days yet, it will be a slow burner due to work, kids, wife, finances and winter been motorbike building season!
Here’s the tank and a lump of wood I’m undecided on... imagine microsorum pteropus trident growing out all the “Knuck’s and crannies” with moss everywhere. Possible a maidenhair fern on top
Let the soaking begin
I would appreciate any advice or influence!
Thank for reading!
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Tank: 50x40x25 shallow optiwhite tank made by interfish, not the best silicone work but was a bargain at £30 and it will be sat on a solid oak “tall boy” I’ve restored and painted.
Filtration: Aqua-manta efx 200 with clear hoses and lily pipes.
Lighting, either home made fog light pendant, or some flashy expensive LED thing... (not yet purchased)
Co2: if I go down this route I will use my old co2 art reg with a FE I’m yet to purchase.
Heater: inline
Substrate, unsure, probably tropica & foreground sand.
Hardscape: mini landscape style stone mopani and manzanita wood, also considering using heather if I can get more details on it!
Plants: rough idea... Anubis, microsorum pteropus trident, crypts, hydrocotyle tripartita, staurogyne repens, mosses and some other stuff! Really like the idea of a maidenhair fern growing out of the tree trunk (see pictures) but we’ll see,
Fish, amino shrimp, ottos, and dwarf cory’s, Danio Margaritatus.
Can’t decide between Fundulopanchax sjostedti, or Tateurndina Ocellicauda. For the statement fish!
Very early days yet, it will be a slow burner due to work, kids, wife, finances and winter been motorbike building season!
Here’s the tank and a lump of wood I’m undecided on... imagine microsorum pteropus trident growing out all the “Knuck’s and crannies” with moss everywhere. Possible a maidenhair fern on top
Let the soaking begin
I would appreciate any advice or influence!
Thank for reading!
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