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46 different mosses from Swiss ebay seller


10 Mar 2008
Well and truly gone are the days when you had to choose between either java moss or java moss. Here is a link to an ebay.ch (.ch is Switzerland I believe) seller that has no fewer than 46 mosses for sale :wideyed:

I have been informed that some of these are non-aquatics, but even so it is still an impressive list. Moss recovers well from its travels if treated right, so ordering from Switzerland is viable IMO.

http://stores.shop.ebay.ch/moostruhe_Mo ... m14?_pgn=1


These are the some mosses that I have been informed are likely to not be true aquatics:

Plagiomnium cf. Maczimowitzii
Fissidens splanchnobrioydes Plagiomnium affine
Barbula cf. fallax 'Bonsai Wood'
Barbula cf. unguiculata 'Meadow'
Fissidens splachnobryoides
Plagiomnium Trichomanes
Star Moss - Hyophila involuta

So if you see these from that seller it might be wise to avoid them. Leaves plenty of choice still for those who are after something a little bit different.
zig said:
Very nice find

Cheers Matt

Thanks :) In return I will gratefully accept future trimmings from any mosses that people may buy ;) :lol:
he he. I think they are different nationalities... if I had to place a bet I would say this is where they got their mosses ;)

You just need a 30 tank shrimp and moss rack now LD and your all set :lol:
a1Matt said:
You just need a 30 tank shrimp and moss rack now LD and your all set :lol:
I was going to setup a cube at work, only to be told that I can't by the boss!! So thats an ideal alternative!! Maybe after I get back from holiday in July
Do it Paulo! :p ...a rack or two, one compressor running sponge filters, room temp so no heaters... it does not have to be hi tech if you are just having shrimp and moss. Maybe pushto investing in a chiller for the hot summers days.

This is the nicest decor in a 'fish room' I have seen:

http://www.shrimpnow.com/forums/showpos ... stcount=46
Fissidens splanchnobrioydes Plagiomnium affine
Fissidens splachnobryoides
Plagiomnium Trichomanes

I have seen all of the above grown successfully in aquariums, not so sure on this one, but seeing as it is a plagiomnium sp it should be fine:

Plagiomnium cf. Maczimowitzii

Nice find, Thanks.
bumpety bump on an old thread for those looking for a source for rare mosses ;)
Hi Paulo :)

... I've lost count of the mosses! Finally started putting them into the tank this week. Am also giving away quite a few species (via pay it forward to try in an attempt to ensure they become less rare) if they are quite similar to other ones I already have.

Do you still want some fissidens madagascar? I've covered the area I wanted too now and will be in a position to send you some fairly soon :thumbup: Just pm me your address if you do so I have it in readiness.

Are you ready to turn your 180l into a moss paradise for your shrimp yet? ;)
LondonDragon said:
Matt any mosses you have spare I would love to take them off your hands, I am currently doing something with my tank after months of neglect and would love some new mosses ;)

PM sent ;)
I am just starting a new scape for mosses after a fair amount of success in my shrimp tank.

What do you moss gurus believe to be the successful factors when growing mosses?

light, ferts, CO2, no CO2 etc?
Top tip #1 - keep the moss clean. That is key IME!

A well kept tank and shrimp do a good job day to day for me. Then every couple of weeks pat\shake the moss to get dirt out. |If the moss is really layered you need to clean it more often ... or trim it.

top tip # 2 - trim your moss.

It encourages new growth. Makes it denser and is a good time to pick out brown bits, which dirty the rest of the moss as they decompose... See tip 1 ;)
high light, Co2... not needed. But will give you faster growth.
low fert requirement (not sure how low, my tap is amply loaded)
a1Matt said:
Top tip #1 - keep the moss clean. That is key IME!

A well kept tank and shrimp do a good job day to day for me. Then every couple of weeks pat\shake the moss to get dirt out. |If the moss is really layered you need to clean it more often ... or trim it.

top tip # 2 - trim your moss.

It encourages new growth. Makes it denser and is a good time to pick out brown bits, which dirty the rest of the moss as they decompose... See tip 1 ;)
a1Matt said:
high light, Co2... not needed. But will give you faster growth.
low fert requirement (not sure how low, my tap is amply loaded)

Thanks Matt, i believe a lot of my success in my current setup is the fact that there are so many shrimp constantly foraging in the moss and keeping it nice and clean!

I don't think i trim it enough! o_O
andyh said:
i believe a lot of my success in my current setup is the fact that there are so many shrimp constantly foraging in the moss and keeping it nice and clean!
You got it ;)