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45x30x30cm acrylic


25 Oct 2019
Hello everyone.

I recently bought a used acrylic tank 45 by 30 by 30cm in dimension. It's made by a Japanese brand called GEX, not sure if anyone has heard of it before. I chose acrylic because I intended to use this as a tank to quarantine new fish and acrylic is a lot lighter than glass so it can be put away easily but when one has a new tank one cannot help but want to plant it. @dw1305 mentioned having a permanent planted tank and using that for quarantine so I did take some inspiration from that too.

It is currently housing one Corydoras CW51. It was originally in a bare bottom unlit tank. Recently put some sand in there. I also bought a light so that I can see him better. He seemed quite unwell a while ago but seems to be fine now as he able to keep food down and is showing normal colouration instead of just being really dark. His barbels have grown back too. I will leave him in there for now and give him small amounts of food daily until I buy some plants for this tank.

Will be using sand as a substrate but for this tank will try keeping plants in containers with aquasoil in them because I think they will grow better than in a pure sand substrate. I don't intend to use CO2 for this tank so my plant choice will be limited. Other than the ubiquitous Anubias sp, I will want to try growing easy plants that I've not grown before like Echinodorus and Aponogeton species. Filtration will be a BioMaster 350 which is currently unused. I think the flow might be rather strong for a tank this small, but I will try to dampen it by planting the big, broad leaved plants in the flow. Lighting is a Chihiros WRGB2 Slim 30cm. I definitely don't need such a strong light, but I like that it's programmable. Also I was worried that the brackets on a cheaper light might not fit on this tank because of the bracing. I tried putting my other WRGB2 Slim on it before I bought a second one and it fit like a charm. I bought the 30cm version because I have this tank next to my existing 30cm cube and I don't have a lot of space on this table so the view from the front will be from the 30cm part rather than the 45cm part. I do think it would be easier to scape a long tank rather than a cube, but aesthetics won't be that important for me for this tank. It's just something I want to enjoy.

Because I won't be using CO2, the lighting will be very dim. I expect plant growth to be very slow so I won't be aquasoil which are very rich in nutrients like ADA or Tropica. There is a Japanese brand of aquasoil called Jun Platinum that is widely available in Singapore and I will be using that instead.

I probably won't scape it in one session because I don't want to buy all the material for it at once and I don't think I will have the time to go shopping for it anyway. My 90cm and 30cm evolved over time and were not scaped in one sitting either and honestly are less of a scape and more of just a mass of plants. So I will probably do the same thing and plant and scape it over time. Still undecided on what fish to keep in there as I do want some fish to live in this tank permanently eventually.

I will leave this tank alone for now but will need to buy the following things soon:

1. Stainless steel pipes for the filter
2. Pots for the plants (currently undecided on whether to get glass containers or terracotta)
3. Aquasoil
4. Plants
5. Hardscape

I will be moving CW51 out of there before the pots and aquasoil go in because I don't want any potential ammonia leaching from the aquasoil affecting him. So I will probably get the pots, soil and plants closer to the end of June and start planting then. I'm looking forward to it.

Just a couple of pictures, although there's not much to see:

53781139013_d2321c621f_c.jpg20240609_160604 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr

The sole inhabitant looking a lot better than before
53779992612_d2c58e51ba_c.jpg20240609_162648 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
I'm not very sure what happened but I just noticed some dead ants under the silicone on the edges. I don't think they were there when I first got this tank. It's kind of gross, and I think the tank there is a possibility the tank will eventually fall apart. Sigh!

I didn't want to but will have to order a glass tank soon to replace this one. Thankfully there is a local brand that is very affordable compared to UNS and ADA. The silicone work isn't very clean but I have two tanks from them and have not experienced any issues with them. Have used the cube for over 2 years now and the long one is just reaching 1 year soon.
I'm not a fan of acrylic tanks and would rather go for low-iron glass ones with their green tinge if given a choice between the two.
Hopefully we'll get to witness this planted tank's glory behind glass panels soon.

I hope that solitary cory's doing better.

Also, what's the plan for plant species? Will you do some wabi-kusa emergent growth too?
I'm not a fan of acrylic tanks and would rather go for low-iron glass ones with their green tinge if given a choice between the two.
Hopefully we'll get to witness this planted tank's glory behind glass panels soon.

I hope that solitary cory's doing better.

Also, what's the plan for plant species? Will you do some wabi-kusa emergent growth too?

The Corydoras is doing well! Apparently with the recent revision it's a Hoplisoma now. I will be moving him back to the main tank with the rest of them soon. I want to get some Corydoras hastatus (Gastrodermus hastatus) to go into this QT before I move him though. Are you from Singapore? East Ocean has a 15% discount on livestock at the moment but I can't be arsed to go out but if I can get them today I can move the CW51 sooner rather than later. I didn't want to buy them so soon but it makes sense to get them when there's a discount going on.

Undecided for plant species but I will be doing containers. Will be doing some Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne but yeah undecided on the exact species.

Not sure on emergent growth yet!
Here's a picture of the ants I spotted. They are dead.

I honestly don't know how they got in there and why.

I haven't noticed any new ants in there and there are definitely no ants in my glass tanks. There is still fish that I want to quarantine but I probably shouldn't keep using this tank so I will get a glass replacement soon although I might shelve my plans to plant it until later.

53831803026_c9d86f0d5a_h.jpg20240615_165541 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr