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4 weeks of no maintenance isn't good for a high tech tank! Anyone noticed that? :lol: Got back home after being away at college for a month, and it's covered in staghorn, BBA and BGA :evil: Anyway, 3 water changes and a lot of manual algae removal later, here's a pic. Still got bits of algae in the moss and on some of the Java Fern leaves, but I'm hoping that now its back to normal dosing, that should disappear soon.


Bit overgrown though, but I like it. Don't know where the stem cropped up from, must have been in the Aquasoil from last time. lily pipes need a clean too! 🙄 Gonna have to remember to smooth out the sand at some point too.

I'm going to have to find something to do with the 60-100+ cherry shrimp colony I have on the go in there. Just noticed another heavy laden female about to blow again :? . Might see if my local shop wants a tank full or so.

Oh and there's some new Ech. tenellus in the left corner, which will hopefully mingle in with the Crypts.

BGA really is a sod to clear, do a black out, and trim back everything as hard as you dare, especially the moss which will collect cack like nobodies business, low flow within it and trapped filth can only mean one that and that's algae.