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40cm - Javanese Paradise

Tom said:
Any criticisms appreciated!!

Lovely 'scape, Tom but I can't help thinking the moss is too dominant creating very two dimensional feel to the layout. More background planting and complex textures thoughout the foreground would help. Even losing some moss to reveal more rockwork may improve things?

Maybe I'm just jealous though! It's all to easy to critique a good aquascape, as the areas for improvement become easier to identify, paradoxically. 😉

Does that make sense?
Blyxa looks a abit distracting for me, some woods behind with Java moss tie to it would be great IMHO. 😀
Lovely 'scape, Tom but I can't help thinking the moss is too dominant creating very two dimensional feel to the layout. More background planting and complex textures thoughout the foreground would help. Even losing some moss to reveal more rockwork may improve things?

Thanks George, I can see what you mean although the word I would use is "overgrown"! :lol: I was really pleased with the rockwork, so before I take the scape apart I'll have a play.

Does that make sense?

Had to stare at it for a while, but yes it does! 😉

Wow tank looks amazing, for a moment there I was like 40cm???? Looks bigger than my 80cm Rio, without fish is hard to tell.

That's another reason I'm hesitant about adding fish, in case it totally blows the scale.

Hi Tom,i really like the scape simple but effective,me personally i find it hard to create a aquascape grow it in then take it down to redo something else,i realise that without this rescaping i wont become as good as some of the guys on here but i like to see mine develop over a long period, best wishes for your future scapes you have a long time ahead of you and i will be watching what you create very closely 😀, regards john.
Next time you're in Peterborough, Tom, check out MA @ Crowland. They have some awesome microfish, including Oryzias sp. 'Neon Green' that I used in 'Little Mountain'. They're about 12mm. If they still have them...
Hi Tom, great work pal.

My critique, Although heavy with plants, the tank still looks a little immature. Its lovely but if we are to talk competition level think about what the judges would be looking at. Plant choice and sustainability. The fern is quite small at the moment, give the scape 12 months and you would loose the idea and original design. Perhaps Windolove fern would be a better choice?
I agree with George, some times less is more. Hack some of the moss back, show off the quality rock work. Also when you hack moss back it comes to growth much better, more compact, something you scape would benefit from.

Great photography, but for me personally im not sure about the purple hue to the back ground,its distracting for me.

The style of scape suggests its a long term slow growth scape, so see if you can keep it so. This scape will benefit from the possibilities of time.

Good work!!!
Thanks for all the advice 😀

I spent 3 nerve-racking hours re-scaping the tank last night, only to re-do it again this morning :?

I agree with George, some times less is more. Hack some of the moss back, show off the quality rock work. Also when you hack moss back it comes to growth much better, more compact, something you scape would benefit from

Done, and I agree it looks much nicer IMO 🙂

The fern is quite small at the moment, give the scape 12 months and you would loose the idea and original design. Perhaps Windolove fern would be a better choice?

Possibly, but I like narrow fern! 😛 It hasn't gained a lot of height in the time the tank has been running, it's just bushed out. I'll see how it goes. Thinking about replacing it for something totally different, but don't know what. Maybe even hairgrass...

Javanese Paradise MKII

Looks great Tom, I like the mosses on the stone, really effective, congrats.
Would look even better had you removed the equipment prior to photo, that green pipe is off putting.
Tom said:
Thanks. It''s not a final photo or anything this time round, hence I didn't remove the equipment, but I suppose thats no excue for lazyness 😉 Suppose it's about time to clean the filter pipes as well :lol:
Was only a side comment as the tank looks great 😉 keep those scapes coming 🙂