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This tank is one of the most stylish nature scapes. Honestly. I'm not actually much fond of the nature style, but this one is one of the three tanks in this category that fascinate me the most 🙂
Great tank here Edwink,

Really liked the composition, and the good choice of plants, on the back I would go for something thinner, maybe some cyperus helfery nonetheless good balance 😉

Why are you using K and Micro from VIMI, I will also be back for N fertilization with Urea will use on a 500ml bottle 2,5gr wich gives me 0,5ppm Urea from each dose and 1.03 as NO3 where I will compliment the resting dose with KNO3 😉

do you know http://aquarium-fertilizer.eu/ ?? Great source for getting great chelates and all of the macronutrients in dry powders 😉
Thanks Nuno,

Why are you using K and Micro from VIMI, I will also be back for N fertilization with Urea will use on a 500ml bottle 2,5gr wich gives me 0,5ppm Urea from each dose and 1.03 as NO3 where I will compliment the resting dose with KNO3

It is a local manufacturer, products are top notch and easily available. On 600 ml bottle I use 7 g of Urea and dose 20 ml daily. With such fertilisation Phyllanthus fluitans shows no signs of nitrogen deficiency so I don't add anything else to supplement it.

do you know http://aquarium-fertilizer.eu/ ?? Great source for getting great chelates and all of the macronutrients in dry powders

No, I do not know it but will check it out. I'm too lazy to mix the micro fertiliser by myself though. Like to keep it simple 🙂
I think you are overdosing it man, maybe that's the reason for your green algae on the wood and moss, you shouldn't go over 1ppm TOP's from Urea or NH4 daily this will most likely trigger some algae ... I keep on a safe side and aim for just 0,5ppm from Urea in my dosing complementing the rest with KNO3

As for the VIMI I'm not saying you should not go with them and since you already mixing some of your ferts why not go for the mix of them all, you'll find much cheaper solutions like the ones I'm using from the URL i left you, see under CHELATES - MicroMix Plus and under MACRONUTRIENTS - K2SO4

I'm more than willing to send you my recipes so you can try them out and detailed PPM percentages from all the dry powders I'm using 😉
Green algae is completely gone since I upped a phosphorus to 1 ppm per day. I'm running two filters so there is a small chance that NH4 was an issue here. I don't fancy K2SO4 much because it increases total hardness significantly. Drop me a PM with your recipes and I look trough. Thanks in advance.
It all depends on the speed of the conversion by your canisters but remember your nitrification bacteria will grow or decrease depending on the amount of NH you get by fish waste or by dosing it 😉.

So any dosage of Urea or NH4 should be made just before lights on so they can be readily available for plants uptake 🙂

As for K2SO4 it wont mess your dGH or dKH only your TDS but that's a different thing 😉 I will share the recipes on my thread so all can take their assumptions and try it by themselves :thumbup:
Some thoughts about discussion Po4 rates in Nuno and in EdwinK tanks.Main role here plays filtration.I guess EdwinK filters packed twice more biomedia than Nuno one filter.So filter catches not small amount of that 1ppm.Some people from flowgrow.de said they have done chemical analisys of filter mud so they found there large amounts of po4 and fe.Some of them doses only 0.1-0.2 ppm po4 a day, but they go with one filter and no biomedia, only sponges.Because of that EdwinK dosage works good in his tank.Only my opinion..
I dose Urea when lights are on for an hour. Your are right about the TDS - was thinking about one thing and typing the other. Plants can take out N from Urea directly so it is a big question how much of NH4 is left and then converted to NO2.

I've already posted on my thread my ferts recipes along with some calculations to reach these formulas, as for urea, a dose of 0,5ppm total conversion will lead to a 1.03ppm of NO3, some part of it will be consumed directly by the plants other will be converted 😉

Take a look and tell me what you think of it 🙂

Some thoughts about discussion Po4 rates in Nuno and in EdwinK tanks.Main role here plays filtration.I guess EdwinK filters packed twice more biomedia than Nuno one filter.So filter catches not small amount of that 1ppm.Some people from flowgrow.de said they have done chemical analisys of filter mud so they found there large amounts of po4 and fe.Some of them doses only 0.1-0.2 ppm po4 a day, but they go with one filter and no biomedia, only sponges.Because of that EdwinK dosage works good in his tank.Only my opinion..

I only have 1 canister that's true but my aquarium is smaller than EdwinK's, besides this is really well packed of bio-media, I have 2L of Sera Siporax and 4L os Seachem Matrix, so plenty surface for massive nitrification bacteria to take grip there 🙂
I'm aware that in Germany great part of planted tanks don't even use bio-media, but in my opinion good bio-filtration is the heart of a closed bio system ... Neglecting bio-filtration will in most cases lead to other problems later on, normally with their fish and critters no so for plants 😉
So if part of my dosing is being kept at filter media we just have to adjust, the main goal is always good plant health along with all the fish and critters we keep in our tanks ...
Gorgeous tank Edwin.

It looks like you replaced the TV with an aquarium, with the speakers on either side and the couch facing it lol.