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320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

Best setup I have seen on a planted tank, wish I had the space to do that 🙂 Looks awsome 🙂
Looks forward to the rescape 🙂
Thanks again 😳 If I can get the plants half as good as the equipment setup I'll be happy :lol:

EI is the way to go
I spent most of last night reading up on EI / PMDD and DIY TPN+ Simon !!! Still need to get my head around it, as the daily auto water change is causing me an arithmatical mental block :!: I've got most of the dry ferts now, just have to work out how much to use and when :?: :!: :?:

Will you post more pictures of the revised W/C rig? Very interested
Sure will Tourney - bits should arrive today.

Great set up. Bet the discus love that water!!
Like the redmoor root hanging down like that, ever thought of adding another?
Maybe some bolbitis attached to them?
Thanks Jay, the discus seem pretty happy. There are three pairs in there who each lay eggs every 7 - 10 days - one pair on the redmoor, one pair on a certain pebble, and one pair on the rear glass 😀
I've got another root to try hanging in there, and (spookily !) Bolbitis is arriving today from AE, and Blyxa went in on Wednesday ! The root that is in there wont actually come out of the tank without pulling the whole lot out of the wall, which is not happening :lol:

I struggle with the Tenellus. It puts out quite a few runners, but they really struggle to get a hold in the sand, so as soon as a Cory comes along they release and become flailing trails of runners in the water. Maybe once the 'planted' tank arrives and gets going I'll take this one back towards the 'desert' scape 😉


Blyxa (cheers Steve) :
Yep as every body else cracking set up.

Love the behind the scenes set up too, wish i had room to do something like that, so much room for more thing to fiddle with. :lol:

billy boy said:
Do you have a kettle in there?

Don't forget the TV too. :lol:

Cheers Gordon.
This is a class setup, I like the feel to it. It's great you've got fish breeding in there (good selection too). I also like the redmoor that suspended - again, very natural and a nice feature.
More pics of the 'behind the scenes' coming soon - keetle an' everything ! :lol:

I also like the redmoor that suspended - again, very natural and a nice feature.
Thanks Thomas ! I keep wondering if its better that way up, or the other way as a tree. I've added a second root now, and some Bolbitis too, so I'll post some new pics and see what folks think.

What's the make of you're fert autodoser Tony, and how have you got it setup? Thinking about an autodoser myself, and considering my options.

Hi Tourney. Its an AquaMedic 3000 dosing pump. I just have it on a timer so it comes on and pumps the correct amount of TPN+ / EasyCarbo in to the tank. It seems pretty reliable, and you can get spares for them from Swell if you need to.

Tonser said:
Hi Tourney. Its an AquaMedic 3000 dosing pump. I just have it on a timer so it comes on and pumps the correct amount of TPN+ / EasyCarbo in to the tank. It seems pretty reliable, and you can get spares for them from Swell if you need to.
Could you explain further how your use this? I just purchased an SP3000 too to dose the ferts, how do you dose the EasyCarbo, do you have a seconds timer? from the tests I did mine doses 40ml per minute which is what I am going to base my all-in-one DIY fert solution on.
Some images of the containers you use etc... would be helpfull, Many Thanks
Good to chat earlier LD, and thanks for your help on the NutriCalc.

I've got the DC to a steady grass green now, and have redone the waterchange to drop out and replace 20% of the water before lights on in the morning, rather than over the 24hr period it was doing.

After 8 days the Limnophilia is rocketing away, and the Rotalla Wallichi and Ludwigia Arcuata are growing too. The HC is struggling, but there are now signs of new growth so we'll see how it goes. The Blyxa seems to have stabilised after its replanting stress too.

Heres some pics from today:

Excuse the cowering discus - they werent expecting the lights to go back on 😳



Limnophilia Hetrophylia:

Rotalla Wallichi:

Ludwigia Arcata:


Blyxa and Pogostemon Helferi:


Discus really aren't my thing, at least non-wild strains, but those I am jealous over, cowering or not. Wonderful fish and a promising scape.