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31x21x26, nano, ‘nature heart’

Looks stunning 😉
Thanks Tim🙂

This little nano is now ‘low tech’ as I’m not using co2 anymore since 3 weeks...reduced the light to 60% and the ferts too to help transition.

As you can see it was begging for an good trim!

The betta is hosted temporarily in it because I sold my 60p.

cheers guys,
here 2 shots of today’s trimming session;

Looks great mate i am wanting to turn my tank into no co2 so i can get it ready for new tank,i have reduced my lights so i guess need to start reducing co2 slowly and my ferts ?

Thanks and will be much easier as a low tech mate i can sometimes see why people go this route as sometimes hard to find time etc. Also it will give u more time for the 80cm


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Yes just turn the co2 off, ferts only weekly and not daily (if necessary), lights 60 to 50% less power and WC only every 8-10 days should be enough.

actually will be using my co2 kit on the 45p, once it’s mature I’ll will put the betta in the 45cm too and probably sold this one as 2 tanks is more than enough for me. And the 80cm should be started in September. 🙂