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30cm - Little Mountain

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
This is my 30cm nano. I set it up originally for Tropica, to test out some new plants.


Full tank shot


These are Oryzias sp. 'Neon Green' from my brilliant LFS. They're fully grown at approx. 15mm. I feed them crushed quality flake.


Red nose shrimp. Pretty rare in the UK. Thanks to Aqua Essentials for supplying them.


Low-grade crystal red shrimp

Wow George, thats amazing.
Red Nose shrimp are sooooo cool to watch aren't they.
I have around 20 of them and love how the hover about i the current drifting between plants.
do yours get the white markings going from head and back round fro the tail to the head again.
there noses are a s bright as rudolphs aren't they
Thanks, all!

Joecoral - Maidenhead Aquatics @ Crowland, Peterborough.
Very nice George and love the Oryzias. Might have to get myself some of those; they'd look great with my Pseudomugil getrudae. Like the effect the Pogostemon give, almost like a ruffled sword or crypt in a larger tank.
Congratulations George on another great tank 🙂 saw that yesterday when I received my copy of PFK, only went through it quickly didn't have much time yesterday to read through it, looks pretty impressive and love the CRS 🙂
Went to a LFS yesterday since it was on my way and found they stock CRS for £3 each! so I know where I will get some of those for my shrimp tank, they also sell the Sulawesi shrimp these for £7.50 each, they are so beautifull I will be getting some when my tank is ready.

They had the Cardinal Shrimp:

And the Red Goldflake Shrimp:

They also have the Harlequin Shrimp:

These I will have on my tank 🙂
Impressive, George. These little tanks are growing an interest on me.
Your photography skills are definetly made apparent in these pictures.
It's nice to see that you don't need a relatively high grade CRS for them to look nice. 🙂
This is a great little tank. Still hard to believe just how small yet tidy it is.

Good work 🙂
George Farmer said:
Yes, mini landscape rocks.
I use them in almost all my layouts these days.
Mine were kindly donated by one of the UKAPS sponsors, http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk.
Hi George, I love the rocks if I were to order some for my 60l how should I go about ordering them, I guess I have to order per kilo, how do I know what I get? Any recommendations? thanks
George Farmer said:
25Kg is a safe bet. Worth every penny.

This way you have more options.

It's so easy to say when you have the rock donated. £75 for a pile of stone when you have no idea what it might look like is just plain silly imvho.

Whatever floats your boat I guess though.
JAmesM said:
£75 for a pile of stone when you have no idea what it might look like is just plain silly imvho.

Whatever floats your boat I guess though.
Hi JAmesM

I would say the same of I had paid ££ for the rocks.

25Kg is a good quantity to guarantee a nice selection suitable for a wide variety of 'scapes.

The customer should have an idea what they look like. Mini landscape rocks are used in many many aquascapes throughout the world.

JAmesM said:
You could still end up with 20+kg of untidy stone, with unsightly flat areas. Its a big gamble buying stone on the net imo.
Yeah thats what I thought, might do down to the local garden centre and see what they have, last time I was there they had quite a lot of variety, local LFS never have anything decent.